LINK9900 / Member

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LINK9900 Blog

good to be back

hi everybudy i bin really busy my b day went by i got some new cool stuff like xbox live a new wireless router ff12 i already beat it the ending was sad but they left it open for a sequel its on the ds i hope i can get it i saved 120$ from my b day money so i can replace the WII i broke and buy a new WII mote life has picked up i now get 560$ from the grate Canadian government for living expense's its pretty sweet i probably be no line more so if you see me online say hi :P

back in action :D

I'm back and better than ever my mouse was broken so i couldn't use the computer it was so sad seeing it that way but now i have a new mouse but it is even cr@pyer than my last mouse it doesn't even have a scroll button on it but i think i will survive somehow anyway i will be on more often and i could use sum help my b-day is coming up I'm gonna get some games with the money i get i no i want ff12 but any ideas would be nice :D

my 2 blog post

ok so now its been about a week and i have made 5 friends and watched lots and lots of cool vids this is now my fav forum site and gaming site o and i cant wait for starcraft 2 it looks so cool but i need windows xp back dose anyone no were i can get a free copy of it on the web :D ps i use linux it rocks :lol:

don't be a stranger

hi my name is mike i like to make this short and sweet so i like lots of stuff games manga music and lots more gust ask i love mail so send me as much as you like :D