That hurts
by LJGPliskin on Comments
Wow, just wow. I cannot believe this. Ryan Davis is now leaving GS. That marks the last shread of hope I had for this site and its editorial team and upper management. Seeing him leave will mark the last of the great GS editors that I grew to love so much. I had listened to the Hotspot every tuesday for a good year and a half straight; I had grown a sense of intangible brotherhood with these editors, personalities, and most of all, people. First it was Bob, then Carrie, Greg, and Rich. All people I had hated to see leave, but was still happy a certian few people were still around.. Then it happened, Jeff was terminated. Something I, no, no one had seen coming. An event that left hundreds, perhaps thounsands shocked, and well, just plain angry; after Jeff had left, that seemed to set off the exodus of Tim, Alex, and now Ryan. That's it, the whole crew is officially dead. I hate to say it, I REALLY hate to say it, but it's undeniably true. For some reason, it just hit me hard. One of my dreams was to work at GS alongside the great minds, and personalities of these people. But now that dream is shattered. I just don't know anymore, aghughghudasjhgadjf..