Well, if the digital part is true, there goes video games completely for me. I literally won't be able to play games, because I won't be able to buy them. What about people that can't afford internet every month, or people like me that live somewhere that they can't get broadband.
You've got to be kidding me...because an eight-year old kid playing CoD is definitely getting people killed, right? This is just stupid since every store I go to won't sell me M games, so my mom buys them. Do they affect me? No. I've never been in a fight in my life, and I don't intend to. Video games aren't making me more violent. Even the worse games don't make me any more violent. In this case, does that mean that you should basically do away with TV since over half of TV shows can give kids ideas about sex, murder, make them more violent, etc. We don't you need you to watch our every move government. That guy was a psycho. He was going to kill those kids, and the only thing you could do to stop it was arm the teachers, which still wouldn't have made that much of a difference, considering the weapons he had...my point is, attacking video games isn't going to stop psychos like him.
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