@timedevourer @Albelnox0 @lge777 I have played every FF game to come oout, i own 1 to 6 and the 2 thirteens. While different thirteen does not deserve the hate so many fans are giving it. I hope that bitch that says honey wont comment on this because that is fucking annoying. Shure their dofferent but at least they tried. JRPGS get tired real fast, which is why SE is sucking major balls right now. They need to try soemthing new, and thats why FF 15 looks promising, with combat like crisis core.
@timedevourer @lge777 @Albelnox0 tHATS BULLSHIT. ff XII was a great game. they tried something new with the storyline, more older and mature and their premise was awesome. Ive alwas loved the ivalice arcs with their games and 12 is one of their best, only beaten by tactics A-2 on the ds
@Justforvisit Yes, i totally agree with you, i thought AC 3 was a big dissapointment in the series, okay stand alone game, but not that great as an assassins creed game. I THINK ITS GREAT THAT THEY ARE KEEPING THE SAME MECHANICS, SO AS NOT TO BE THE STUDIO THAT EFFED BATMAN UP!
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