Alright thanks guys. :)
bankruptcy here I come!
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I was thinking of getting a PS3 (already got a 360) because a good amount of the games that interest me are going to (or already have) come out on the PS3. the recent price drop has only helped my decision, but is the pS3 a good buy right now? should I wait? What is a first game to get with it?
Rock band :p, just get a real guitar. and what about that area 51 game?ratboy64
Yeah, Blacksite looks crazy. My must have game is Assassin's Creed though, I'll most likely get CoD4 sometime soon, not too sure about Mass Effect.
Oblivion is wonderful. The sheer amount of exploring and sight-seeing you can do makes the world seem like its worth going that extra mile to see whats off the beaten path. I believe it has upwards of 200 quests, all of which are pretty deep and take some time and effort to complete.
You can also join guilds that each have their own mini-storyline. I quickly found myself addicted to sneaking around the imperial city, breaking into houses, stealing people's treasures, and making a quick escape before the guards show up. (idk what that says about me. :P)
The main storyline is suprisingly long, and really keeps you glued, although its easier if you comlpete some side quests to gain some levels and get better equipment. the idea of leveling up unique also. if your an assassin, you'll gain levels by sneaking around, using stealth kills, and shooting people down with bows.
I cant think of a better way to waste my life. :)
No no no no.... no Ea is not good for the industry. They limit competition which is always bad for the consumer. 2K made a football game that cut into maddens sales with new gameplay mechanics and at a budge price. What dose Ea do.... create a better product? no..... Competitive price..... no. Instead they just bought the whole nfl license and pushed 2k out of the way.
Ubi soft was a fast and growing rival... what dose Ea do. Sneak in the board room and buy up 40 percent of the shares..... now every time Ubi sot is reward for making a good game there rival Ea get's a cut out of there profits..... :(
If you havent notice I really hate EA. Starting to make good games but I wont touch them... Why? Because there business practices are bad for the industry.
Iagree. I couple of really good games they make wont save them from the heap of spinoff games they seem to spew out.I have bought a few of their good gameshowever. (burnout and battlefield 2 come to mind) Although I'm still in love with Ubisoft. Asssassin's Creed ftw.
Overhyped? not for me. I actually loved the single player campaign. (and the outdoor levels. yay! no more purple hallways!)
I havent gotten a chance to play on XBL yet, but hopefully I will soon. I have played split screeen though, and it's still pretty fun.
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