Black Isle closed before they could launch the game, they sold the rights to the game to Bethesda and Bethesda decided they didn't want to use the Black Isles' code and completely remade the game using the Oblivion engine. Fallout 3 was my favorite game of '08 so I think it worked out for the best.
LOSTxHEROES's forum posts
Modern Warfare 2, Killzone 2 is amazing but the online community essentially turned to poop. I'd only reccomend it for single player at this point because not very many people are still playing. And its hard to fine good games because KZ2 uses that archaic user made room matches and barely anyone makes actual games. There are only boosting games left and not the real deal which was real fun and varied. Also absolutely noone plays the DLC which really bummed me out.
MW2 will be fresh and new and is going to have a kick ass multiplayer, everyone is going to be playing it and the community is going to last for a long time like CoD4.
Feb isn't bad, its awesome PS3 is finally getting a ton of RPGs. PS2 was the place to be for RPGs especially JRPGs and PS3 was a little lackluster. Great to see they're making up for lost time.
I work but most of my money goes towards bills, food, and my money pit of an automobile. I usually trade in games I don't play anymore for new ones. On occasion I will just buy a game outright if really want it or if I wanna get a game at wal-mart on a midnight launch. FYI in case anyone doesn't know Wal-Mart is a million times better for midnight launches than GameStop. You get in you get out no more than a couple people in line and a lot of times you get free stuff. Your not waiting outside in a line 80 people long. And the best part is GameStops are usually located next to wal-mart, which makes walking out the store at 12:05 with the copy of your game and pointing and laughing at the suckers in line at gamestop hilarious.
When you turn on your PS3 as it starts the XMB does it say 1080p in the top corner of your TV?
You know the console will change resolution on its own right? The XMB/Blu-Rays/DVDs will all be 1080p but if you start a game that does not support 1080p it changes your resolution settings automatically. Check this yourself, hit display at the XMB then start a game then hit display. The resolution is going to have changed. PS3 doesn't automatically upscale every game the way 360 does. Ever notice the screen flickers for a split second when starting games or returning to the XMB? Thats the console and TV changing the resolution to the best possible for whatever you are doing at that time.
There is a way to rig it to play games in 1080p that are not supposed to be played it 1080p but it requires manually changing your display settings every single time you play a different game and some experimenting because it will only display games in 480p if you have it rigged to play in a resolution that the game is absolutely not capable of playing in. Some do some don't. Its a pain so I suggest just leaving it at automatic and living with 720p. Like what 1 game on PS3 is 1080p native anyways and thats MGS4. Most third party games support 1080p upscaling. Though some require you own a 1080p native HDTV, which if you can afford one more power to ya.
I feeling a 9, and you can guarantee every review is going include the phrases "improves upon _____" and most likely "it still feels like the same game".
MW2 is going to be sick, no doubt about that. But its only going to be slightly different from a gameplay perspective. Just CoD4 more refined. If any major site gives it a perfect score I'd be shocked because its the same gameplay just better. Nothing major, and there was nothing fundamentally broken with the first game so there are no earth shattering new mechanics or drastically changed from CoD4.
720p is the native resolution for almost all games. Very few are any higher and a bunch are actually lower. 360 is really bad at this, there is no point in playing games like Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 in 1080p because they're native 640p and actually look better on lower setting. Unless you're playing on a massive TV don't worry about it its a non-issue.
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