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Time is of the essence

In a few days i will "celebrate" my first month in college, and since this first month i think the period that i have spent watching animez or playing games was between 5 minutes and 30 minutest...in total.

If your wondering in what geek college i am the answer is : University of Polytechnics, School of Computer Science.

It's not that i dont like college life, but the subjects that they teach some are outdated, some are extremely hard for our current level. All in all it's TIME CONSUMING...time that i could have spent doing so many other useful things...like learning something that will help me in my future carrer...oh well i am taking care of it as i type.

I hope i will come soon with a first review...hopefully if not i will still post at the http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/home.php?union_id=TRU25 and around the forums.

PS4...PS5...neah we are staying with PS3

Well folkes here we are and again Sony is making their anouncement that a new PS3 is going to be launched. The difference from the original PS3 is the hard which will have only 40GB and will cost aroun 399$...i think.

This is a policy i detest...i mean you don't have to reduce the size of the HDD so you can lower the cost of production. I would rather buy a PS3 which has nu Blu-ray playing capabilit, but has a 60GB HDD. This proves that Sony wants a more "multi-media" console then a gaming one.

Who wins? Nobody because the blu ray disks are expensive...hence forth the game itself will be expensive. And nobody buys blu ray movies for the same reason...

So sony wants to gamble on a 40GB console...let them :lol:

Normality or lack of enthusiasm

Most of us are here on GameSpot because we all have games in common. Gathered from corners all around the world we discuss problems/opinions concerning games.

Thinking about this made me realize that maybe some people gather in a spot so they can express their affiliation to that particular place. Wrong...way wrong...College has shown me that this is not true. Just in 3 days i have learned a most valuable lesson. People have different reasons to gather, but in the end they probably lack the passion for it. I saw people confused, disoriented. It was quite shocking. All that time, during admission, i was thinking "here i will have people whom i can talk to". Right now i am thinking "I hope i can find someone whom i can talk to about games and anime, and not classes and teachers".

Is this normality or lack of enthusiasm?

Tabula Rasa BETA

I've started Beta Testing Richard Garriots new MMO. I can't say i was exicted. The phrase that was in the back of my head: "It's just anothe MMO, even though it's just beta, it has the same trademark". Well yeah it has. I mean you are put in Bootcamp so you can get aquainted to the game, burn some monsters ("Thrax") down and then you head off to the real world.

There are some glitches that need to be fixe, like the collision one. It's very annoying because you can get through your monster. Another big issue for this beta is the servers dropping every now and them. I live in Europe so my best peer is with the EUs. I dont want to make a new character on the US server till i get the hang of the game. Oh and you can't acces your EU char from an US server. Right now i am typing because the servers in EU are down. I have completed some mission, gained some XP. Now i am going to choose my class, i think i am going for a Specialist. I was about to do that when the server disconnected.

In any case Richard Garriot is trying to pull somethin off with this MMO. I will get back with more info and impressions after i have more decent hours of gameplay.

What a wonderful way to start

So i have decided to open up a blog about games...and stuff, but mostly games.

To start fresh i am going to introduce myself. Hey my name is xristina and i have been playing PC games since i was 5, which makes it about 14 years of computer entertaiment. And for all those wondering out ther, yes i am a girl. I was a hard core gamer back in 2002, now i backed down a bit and i am only a core gamer.

I dont have a specific genre. The game has to catch me not the other way around. I dont have a favorite game. What i do have is a favorite game character whom is none other then Dante.

What else can i say about me? I like anime and things related to japan. Also i like doing all sorts of stuff on the computer. My dream is to become a lead game designer for a big company or my own company...and thats about it.

I'll get back to you soon.