It's probably another collection. Not a new game per se.
LPXGirl's forum posts
Ok i have read your opinions and i can give you mine.
TR is not forth the effort. Beta means that 90% of the game is done, just that they want it to be more polished, hence forth the beta. But RG Tabula Rasa is far from finished, let alone polished. If they are going to release it in 2 weeks they better buckle up because it's going to be one hell of a ride. I personally think that they thought like this: "let's strap Richard Garriots name to the game will sell". Wrong it won't sell once the rumors about it start to be a undeniable truth.
I have't played HellGate London. I was excited when i first saw the anouncement that this game is going to be made by combining various elements from renowned games. A few weeks ago i found out that you have to pay to play online. I was flatout dissapointed by their move. This isn't the way to make games, yeah server tuition and stuff. Introduce that when you have an 1000k players.
Really nice thread congratulations. And i who thought the adventure genre was dead. Thanks a bunch.
It's worth being a PC owner not just in 2008 but all times. Consoles are good too, they get a lot of exclusive titles but that is about it.
GS has some good reviews and some who are overrated.
They do review PS2 games as you well can see, they did review Juiced 2 and the games that apper to be good. Although good is sometimes a deceving adjective.
I agree. But sometimes ppl only see their narrowed point of view and start saying stuff like your sux and stuff like that. This isn't the point of those two games. Those two games have to be analyzed to the bone to actually understand their complexity.In the end its just opionins, so you cant say fear is better because its not fact its only your opinion.
Will the fanboyism stop...
Both games are great, FEAR is better imo because it doesnt lack the surprise.
Both games are known by the majority of gamers and not the casual ones.
So stop thwroing mine is better, yours suck.
Both games are excellent from the tehnical point of view.
Doom 3 was the first game in which real time rendering was done and it proved that one of carmack's idea was a revolutionary one that helped maintain good FPS.
In FEAR we have both really good graphics and a good physics engine.
But these two games differ a lot. And this is where FEAR wins in front of Doom 3. In FEAR the story is excellent the fast pace action is combined with a little bit of survival horror elements. Otherwise in id Softwares game you knew exactly where the monster will pop out... so yeah...where is the element that would keep me hooked on this game?
Tehnicaly they are both superb, in terms of storyline and gameplay FEAR has the upper hand
In SE you can play with Vergil after you finshed it.
And there is definetly no co-op.
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