I hate espn. Today they pissed me off to no end. I was looking forward to watching the FSU vs VT game today, since last week we kicked ass and destroyed no2 Boston College I thought we had a pretty good chance against VT. Today when I turned on the game however I found out that their not showing that game in my area they're showing the illinois ohio state game. How could they not show the FSU game in Tallahasse? Are they just trying to piss people off, I don't understand it. I'm very angry since now I don't get to watch the game I've been looking forward to all week. Well thats it I just needed to rant, GO NOLES!!! everyone and thanks for reading.
I have to add now that the game is over we lost and its because I wan't able to watch it
I was thinking the other day and it just kind of occured to me that when it comes to the middleeast the US is screwed. It seems like no matter what we do someone hates us for it and comes back to bite us in the ass. I mean look at just about anything we've ever done, good or bad. Look at Iraq (not the current war go way back) originally we armed them when they were fighting Iran then what happens they go and become powerful and invade kuwait so what do we do we move in protect saudia arabia and then free kuwait seems like that went well, but not quite, because in the process we pissed of Bin Laden because he thought he could have protected Saudi Arabia without our help, so then he starts to hate us which wouldn't be too much of a problem except that oh yeah we trained him when he was fighting the soviets in afghanistan so he knows exactly how to avoid us and fight us. Every move there seemed like a good one at the time but each one came back to bite us in the ass. Want more evidence look at Israel. Seemed like a good idea to support them help them protect themselves, but in the proccess we made it so most of the middleeast hates us. It just seems like we can't win. In a recent survey in the middle east it was discovered that a large amount of people there that hate us. This is not that surprising, what is surprising is that they hate us for many different reasons. Some hated us for our moves in Iraq, some hated us for not freeing them from their oppresive regimes, some hated us for religious reasons, and many more reasons. With all of these reaons it just seems like theres no way we can ever get those countries to like us. I am not defending, or attacking any of the actions we have taken in the middleeast it just seems like no matter what we do right or wrong we just can't seem to win. I don't have a solution I'm just sick of it and felt like ranting thanks for reading
I was bored so I figured I'd write a little blog about myself, just some basic info for people to know about me. I'm a first year college student at FSU GO NOLES!! I am planning to major in mechanical engineering. This may be my first year in college, but I came in with about a years worth of credits so it's really more like my second. I am a Christian, Lutheran to be specific. When it comes to politics I would describe myself as a moderate republican, although I have serious issues with that party, I just see them as bettter than the alternative. I think thats it I just figured I'm bored why not try this blog thing. Thanks for reading.
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