Conker's Bad Fur Day is by far my favorite game ever. The fact that this game was on the 64 is crazy considering how good the graphics are. The sound effects and recorded dialogue are insane. I didn't think that cartridges could do half the things that this game does. It's not the technical stuff that makes me like this game so much though, it's the crazy dialogue and movie parodies. This game pokes fun at many films from Reservoir Dogs, Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, Terminator, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, Alien, Gladiator, etc. The boss fights are hilarious and once you meet a character you will never forget who they were and what they did. Missions range from helping a drunk bee pollinate a flower, helping catfish escape a dogfish, fighting a huge pile of crap that sings opera music, saving a rat from killer teddy bears, etc. The amount of profanity is nice and the way they censor some of them so that you hear the bleep is hilarious. It even has fun multiplayer modes. All this on one cartridge INSANE.This game does so many things that it would take too long to explain everything. If you have not played this game you must have been under a rock or something. If you can play it on the 64 if you have one, don't get the xbox version it sucks.
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