Unions allow a way for you to operate and handle your own communities. However, it is very important to know that all Unions must follow the Terms of Use agreement as stated in the Union FAQ. Community access allows you to post in our forums, to access or create unions, to add games to your profile, to post blogs, to post player reviews and the list goes on and on. Everything you have access to post content in the community must abide by the Terms of Use. When someone establishes a Union there is no statement that says "the Union can now disregard the Terms of Use agreement." Here are some things to consider when you create or maintain your Union: 1) Game Threads - We have made an exception to allow three game threads. Game Threads are dedicated threads that allow you to play a game in them. The more creative the game thread, the more likely your Union members will be able to get to know each other and participate in a fun thread. We believe that Unions should be able to feel like they have their own community so we have made an exception to allow each Union to have 3 game threads when there should not be any. Game threads are considered disruptive and/or spamming according to the Terms of Use agreement and they also exploit the points system by allowing users to earn more post count, which also add to their user profile levels and union levels. Therefore, there must be a limit on how many a union has because of these exploits. [reference post below for further details] 2) Off-Topic and System Wars discussions - Because this is your Union, you do not have to comply with our forum rules that set in our main boards for these type of discussions. This means that if you want to talk off-topic in your dedicated Zelda forum or maybe you would like to discuss other platforms in your Union board, this is entirely up to the Union Leader. 3) Censor Bypass, Offensive, Trolling and Flaming - Just as the Terms of Use agreement states this isn't tolerated, if your Union has such content the author of the thread will be the one who is moderated, with the possibility of the posters in the thread. Censor Bypass and Offensive content is the most important things NOT to do in your Union. 4) The importance of Union Leaders! There are a variety of things that are important for a Union to exist, and a Union without a leader is a Union that is at risk of being removed. If you do not have an active Union leader, please read this thread. Edited on Feb 13, 2008 7:01 am GMT -12Edited 9 total times.
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