I used to have complete trust with Gamespot and their ratings but it seems ever since Gamestop merged with EB games Gamespot ratings are good for the games that will sell and bad for the games that wont sell. Take GTA IV for instance. I have played the same missions over and over and over since GTA III (GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas) as I do in GTA IV. This lack of innovation in a franchise should immediately halt any perfect score. Not only that in GTA IV when I kill someone and their body falls on a car their body parts (legs and arms) constantly wobble and wobble and wobble after they should be dead and lifeless. That should also take away from a perfect 10. Anyway I truly believe that Gamespot gives higher scores to games that Gamestop anticipates high sales. Since they are affiliated with each other it would be bad for business if Gamestop anticipated high sales on a game and the affiliate Gamespot gave the game a low 5.
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