Here is a very creative way to calculate your age using chocolate! Go ahead, give it a try!
- Determine how many times a week you eat or want to eat chocolate. It must be a number between 1 and 10, including 1 or 10.
- Let's say you eat chocolate 8 times a week (we won't tell).
- Multiply that number by 2.
- 8 x 2 = 16
- Add 5 to the previous result.
- 16 + 5 = 21
- Multiply that by 50.
- 21 x 50 = 1050
- Add the current year (Gregorian).
- 1050 + 2009 = 3059
- Subtract 250 if you've had a birthday this year. If you haven't had a birthday this year, subtract 251.
- Let's say your birthday hasn't passed yet.
- 3059 - 251 = 2808
- Subtract your birth year.
- Assuming you were born in 1975...
- 2808 - 1975 = 833
- You'll end up with a 3 or 4 digit number. The last two digits are your age (if you're under 10 years old there will be a zero before your age). The remaining one or two digits will be the number of times per week you eat or want chocolate (the number you specified in the first step).
To find out how this works, go to this wikiHow article:
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