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CW I have not forgotten you!

I have five out of Six of the boys finished!  I merely have to draw Matthew and they will be done!  Don't lose faith in me boy-o!  I will have them all to you within the week if all goes as it should.

In other news  I and my "esteemed" friend Ally have proven once again that we should not be left alone together.  In our nonsense and chatter we have brainstormed a fabulously silly notion.  I said once before I used to live in Montana in what is technically refereed to as a "Village" as it was in a valley.  And in dedication to this, this day is the birth day in literature of "The Village hidden in the Weeds"  In reference of course to Naruto.  It was Ally that came up with the name, though I would have prefereed "Village hidden in the Cow Manure."  But seeing's how our emblem was a tumble weed (rather than a sign of doo with flies around it or something of that sort) Weeds seemed more appropriate.  This has the makings of a most ridiculous Fan Fic.^^


Coprophobia or Scatophobia- fear of Fecal matter, feces

I couldn't help myself.