this is the same journal as what's on DA but! I'm in need of an update.
no worries, a couple doses of black walnut will clear that right up. You know 85 % of americans have worms.... I'm not sure about the rest of the world though. It be something to look into. I went through a de-worming back when I was a kid, I figured It would be good to go through another complete system wash-out. As nasty as I feel all the time.
Anywho... working on putting a storybord to music I may or may not put it up on youtube.... well I probably will, just when I should is schetchy to me I do so love/hate reveiling secrets.
P.S. I'm gone between dec 23 and Jan 5
Phobia! (do i need to say it?)
Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things.
Balance is all fine and dandy but some just take it to far I guess...