I haven't posted a blog in a while and thats pretty much because i forgot all about doing it, its only occasionaly that i think to make one. So i figure i'll do one now why i have it in my mind and this page open. What am i going to write about? Not a clue. I guess i'll talk about the new hulk movie. There arn't really any spoilers here although im probably gonna mention some stuff about the plot and a cameo. So if you havnet seen it yet you might not want to read its up to you.
Went to see it last night, i have to say i really enjoyed it, it was a lot better than i had anticpated. Origonally i was only excited for the things about the super soldiers in the movie (as i'm quite looking forward to the captain america and avengers movies). But after seeing it i have to say that it was so much more. The fights were amazing, edward norton played an amazing bruce banner and they really did capture the Hulk as a character. The action was superb. The CGI was even better and the plot wasn't half bad either, it was purley setting up either a sequal or the avengers movie. I don't really have anything bad to say about it. I dont really know where it comes on my "Super Hero Movie List" yet, if you would have asked me last night i'd have said right at the top with spiderman 2. But now im not so sure. I'll have to go see it again to decide. The fact that it had Tony Stark at the end to setting up the avengers gave the movie and extra bazillion points in my books.
Other than that i haven't really been up to much. Just work and a few games, I had been playing the Battlefield: Bad Company demo with Dash but since its near impossible to get into a server together and xbox lives chat system refuses to let us talk its not been going on for a few days. That and MGS4 came out which should have him preoccupied for about 2 months.
Also i guess since the last time i was on here i've really been getting into comics, i've bought a load of volumes and a bunch of singles. I've mainly been reading ultimate stuff (Ultimate spider-man and the ultimates, although i've started ultimate xmen and intend to start ultimate f4) but i have reccently been getting into the 616 (main marvel) universe, i guess that was mainly because i picked up secret invasion 1 and was compelled to read more into it. I started with the secret invasion history and moved onto civil war now i'm pretty much just buying anything that looks intresting. I don't really know if i need to continue on this topic but if anyone is intrested i will gladly talk more about it.
I guess thats pretty much it. I'd like to say that it won't be to far from another blog but honestly i have no idea when i'll come round to it again. Also i'm not going to proof read this, so if it makes no sense and is random babbaling, well it would be like if you were talking to me in real life. Good Day