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LarcDranore Blog

The Summer Dream

FINALLY! School is finally out, and summer is once again upon me. Exams went...ok. That's pretty much all I can say since I never like to take exams. They're too long, too monotonous, and too smelly. That combination is deadly and I'm very excited that it's over, it's all over. No more test, no more annoying people, no more mean teachers that spit on you because you sit in the front, and most importantly, NO HOMEWORK! Summer ROCKS and I'm glad to be apart of it. My summer consist of going to Maryland, spending some time with my brother (Led282. I love to remind everyone), and just getting a job, working and hopefully playing some games. I'm really excited because Makai Kingdom is coming out this summer and I definitely want to get it. Yeah...I do. Others games that I'm looking forward to is Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, Soul Calibur 3, Atelier Iris, Magna Carta, and some other games, and I want to get them all. Got it get them all, got to get them all. So I hope that everyone has a GREAT summer, because I will starting...NOW!

Reuniting Old Memories With a Broken Soul

This place, seems so familiar. I wonder where I've seen this place. Was it in a dream; stumbling upon it as I passed it by, or maybe it was when I was traveling, seeing only an illusion of my memories. That was fun. It has been a very long time since I've been here, but I guess I have a reason for my absence. I got reacquainted with a long lost friend of mine named EzBoard. It's a forum type place where you talk to people about...stuff. Well I guess that sums it all up. I haven't been playing much, but I should since I got the 2nd and 3rd games of the .hack series. The games that are tremendously hard to find now-and-days. I said to myself that I might as well get the last three since I already had the first, so I really need to play. I hope that everyone is doing well (not that it matters since NO ONE READS MY JOURNAL!!), but seriously, I hope that everything here has gone great. School is almost done, but I have to get across the dreadful and deadly...EXAMS! NO!!! Well they shouldn't be too difficult (hopefully). Well it's great to be back and...PLEASE READ...someone...anyone! I don't just make these entries to fulfil my dream or something...but it does give me a lot of satisfaction...

Eternal Sorrow

I'm finally putting in a new journal entry after all this time. School has been the same for the most part, and the school year is soon coming to an end. This year has many new surprises (In terms of games) like the newest installment of the Dynasty Warriors series and Makai Kingdom, Final Fantasy 12, Kingdom Hearts 2, Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, Soul Calibur 3, Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity, Shining Tears and Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. These are all great games and I'm waiting in anticipation for their arrival. I don't know, I should be happy for everything. Everything I have, and everything that will come, but I feel so...lost and empty. Led282 (My brother) will probably laugh at me because I'm actually showing emotion when he sometimes doesn't even know how to express it himself. I don't's like something is missing in my life. I don't know what it is exactly, but I feel so much sadness without it. It's like I'm drifting, searching for an answer that may not even exist. I never want to lose hope for this cause that my spirit is fighting so hard for, but I feel that I may never find out why it is my soul is filled with so much sorrow. Everyday, I put on my facade of joy, fooling everyone around me while my heart is filled with grief. I just don't know why I'm feeling this way, but I just...don't feel complete and nothing, will ever fill that void that has consumed my heart.....

Happy Birthday Bro!

Well I guess it could be kept a secret for much longer, but I think this is a great time to just let it all out. If any one was wondering (or even cared) you might have noticed me mention my brother in many of my post and journal entries, well he is a member of Gamespot and....Drum roll please......My brother is the one and only Led282! That's correct, now for the people that actually care, today is his Birthday and he turns 23 this very day. Right now he is probably out with his friends and girlfriend at BW3 (That place ROCKS!!), just enjoying himself and having a great time watching the Purdue vs. Indiana game. I guess when you get older, and those Birthdays keep coming, the same old parties just don't seem the same. Birthdays become special when it's shared with the people you love (Wow, and I thought I couldn't get any cheesier).Well, now you know who my brother and I are talking about whenever we refer to one another in our post (Doesn't that make you feel great?). If you're reading this (Which I highly doubt. I really think no one reads my journal entries), then add a comment and wish Led282 a Happy Birthday. I'll try to be on more often, but it will be very difficult because of my schedule. Oh and one more thing......Happy Birthday Bro!

Playing Hours On End

Well I'm back and I'm as busy as I ever have been. I'm conditioning for tennis every Wednesday and Friday at 5 am until March, while I'm also trying out for a play at my school (this Wednesday). Plus, if I didn't have enough to carry on my shoulders, my biggest burden yet is not getting enough sleep from the addiction called Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. I've been spending close to ten hours a night (only on the weekends) playing this continuous cycle of excitement and fun as it always seems that I never get any closer to the end. I think that is my problem within RPGs. I'm too much of a perfectionist, always striving to be better then before and having it pay off in the end. My weakness and strength is just in that, spending endless hours and not really getting anywhere while becoming stronger in my cycle of perfection. I always laugh at myself whenever I'm playing, as I happen to look at the clock and tell myself, "I'll go to bed in 30 minutes." As my desired time has come, I once again look at the clock and continue this until the sunlight streams through my window and my eyes are to heavy to remain open. I'm just glad that I'm enjoying myself because I don't think that a game is worth playing unless the gamer is enjoying themselves. Well I'm off to my hovel in the ground, where the trees remain upside down, and the sky keeps rolling in the clouds...Or something like that....

Lost and Confused

I have no idea what to do. I would like to post a journal entry with some meaning and have a topic to talk about, but my words have fallen short of that wish. I finished exams on Friday, and I should find out what I got on them on Monday. I'm also very angry that I had school on Friday, considering that it was horrible outside. This weekend was pretty laid back and relaxing (for the most part), as I played Samurai Warriors, X-Men Legends, and a little of Growlanser Generations. I really don't know what to do now, my body wants to stay wake while my mind wants to dream. Right now I'm listening to Final Fantasy 5 music and I'm downloading Final Fantasy music for my brother. Just listening to this music makes me remember how much fun I had playing it. I might play it again, but probably not any time soon. Right now I want to play my Playstation 2 games and try and beat a couple. This day is going by so fast, that I think I'll just take a quick nap and impart a few words onto the lost and confused. "So call the field to rest, and let's away, to part the glories of this happy day." May you find peace, wherever you are....I'm very tired and I don't even know why....

Between Now and Next Year

My Winter Break was very awesome and I hope everyone else had a great one to. I've been swimming in a pool of Phantom Brave most of the time, with my days spent mostly thinking of names for my characters and leveling them up even more then concentrating on the real storyline. An enjoyable game that I never heard of before until my brother saw it on the shelves of Best Buy and I thought it looked pretty interesting. Once I got into it, I loved the creativity and originality that seemed to shine throughout the game and the imagination that came with every character. This year truly was my year for new games, for just in two weeks, I got six new games (I know that may not be a lot to many, but that's a lot to me). They are Dark Cloud 2, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Kessen 2, La Pucelle Tactics, Phantom Brave and Samurai Warriors. Out of all of them, I enjoy Phantom Brave the most, but I only got Dark Cloud 2 and Disgaea: Hour of Darkness today, so my favourite might change. Right now, I'm thinking of names for my characters for Disgaea and I can't think of anything. I'm to picky and I'm a perfectionist so thinking of something as simple as names is a task in itself. Well, I think I had a pretty good year and I'm excited for the next, but I hope everyone enjoys the New Year and has a happy and safe New Years Eve. Now about those names......

Warcraft Wishes

I've been so drawn to the game World of Warcraft. It looks awesome in every aspect that it contains, like the characters, the classes, the professions, the abilities, the battle system, the story, the contents and the game itself looks truly amazing. I would love to get it for the Holiday that's coming soon, but the only problem is that it's only for the Internet and the annoyance of paying every month makes me want it much less. That's the only problem that lies within a game I've been yearning for as soon as I laid my eyes upon it. While studying it, I've become more and more hungry for the sweet taste of a flawless game that's just outside my reach. Well, I guess not all great games are meant to grace everyone with their presence, but I am excited for other games that are coming to the Playstation 2 that are not only accessible by the Internet. Games like Final Fantasy 12 and Champions: Return to Arms. These are good games that I'm glad I'm getting, but I don't think that any other game will fill the void that was left by World of Warcraft. I even knew what Character I was going to create, a Night Elf Rouge named Furion. Well I guess my dream will never come true, but I'm glad that I saw a glimpse into what might have been......

Finishing Touches

School is coming to it's last week before Winter break, and I couldn't be happier. Classes are getting much easier, as many of the students (and most teachers) are awaiting for that final bell to ring, so that freedom may be ours for the time that it's sweet taste is upon our tongues. I'm really excited about Winter break. No homework and no restless mornings, just a family to spend time with and many games to be played. I would like to finish Champions of Norrath and also Dark Cloud. I could get a jump start on Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, since I haven't "officially" played it from the time I got it in September, and Kingdom Hearts would be a good game to finish. Lets see, I need to finish, Final Fantasy X-2, .hack//Infections, and an old game that I'm so close to beating, but I'm just to big of a wimp to finish, Diablo II. Also my brother and I could resume our challenge of who could beat all the Final Fantasies first. (Includes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-2, and Tactics.) He doesn't have to beat Final Fantasy 3 and I don't have to beat Final Fantasy 9. He has beaten Final Fantasy 1,6,7,8,9,10, and 10-2, while I have Final Fantasy 4,5,6,7,8,10, and Tactics. We're pretty even right now, and it's going to be close. Well, despite my exciting plans for Winter break, I think I'm going to enjoy myself for the most part.....Well I hope so.......

Old Memories, New Memories

I wasn't on for a couple of days because I was looking into the past, and excited that I can be reunited with some of my favourite games. I downloaded Nintendo and Super Nintendo games (that I own and new ones that I'm glad I downloaded), and played them this weekend. I kind of forgot how much fun Nintendo and Super Nintendo games can be. I missed the good old days when I would be playing Zelda or Mario in my basement with the old graphics, the continuous music, the one character that you had to be, ah, those were the days (I'm starting to sound like my grandpa). Anyways, now I can replay my past over and over again with many games that I use to play like, Little Nemo Dream Master, Chip and Dale, Anticipation, Dr. Mario, Adventures in Magic Kingdom, Adventures of Lolo, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ducktales, Faxanadu and many more. There were also old games which I wish I had as a child, but I'm glad I have now like, Chaos World, Destiny of an Emperor and Ultima 3: The Exodus. I was like a little kid at a Toy Store, all full of joy and a smile lit up on my face every time I passed a game and said "Hey I remember that.." I very glad that I could get in touch with the child inside me and relive the memories that I once had. Those were the good ol' days.....
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