School is coming to it's last week before Winter break, and I couldn't be happier. Classes are getting much easier, as many of the students (and most teachers) are awaiting for that final bell to ring, so that freedom may be ours for the time that it's sweet taste is upon our tongues. I'm really excited about Winter break. No homework and no restless mornings, just a family to spend time with and many games to be played. I would like to finish Champions of Norrath and also Dark Cloud. I could get a jump start on Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, since I haven't "officially" played it from the time I got it in September, and Kingdom Hearts would be a good game to finish. Lets see, I need to finish, Final Fantasy X-2, .hack//Infections, and an old game that I'm so close to beating, but I'm just to big of a wimp to finish, Diablo II. Also my brother and I could resume our challenge of who could beat all the Final Fantasies first. (Includes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-2, and Tactics.) He doesn't have to beat Final Fantasy 3 and I don't have to beat Final Fantasy 9. He has beaten Final Fantasy 1,6,7,8,9,10, and 10-2, while I have Final Fantasy 4,5,6,7,8,10, and Tactics. We're pretty even right now, and it's going to be close. Well, despite my exciting plans for Winter break, I think I'm going to enjoy myself for the most part.....Well I hope so.......
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