Happy Birthday Bro!
by LarcDranore on Comments
Well I guess it could be kept a secret for much longer, but I think this is a great time to just let it all out. If any one was wondering (or even cared) you might have noticed me mention my brother in many of my post and journal entries, well he is a member of Gamespot and....Drum roll please......My brother is the one and only Led282! That's correct, now for the people that actually care, today is his Birthday and he turns 23 this very day. Right now he is probably out with his friends and girlfriend at BW3 (That place ROCKS!!), just enjoying himself and having a great time watching the Purdue vs. Indiana game. I guess when you get older, and those Birthdays keep coming, the same old parties just don't seem the same. Birthdays become special when it's shared with the people you love (Wow, and I thought I couldn't get any cheesier).Well, now you know who my brother and I are talking about whenever we refer to one another in our post (Doesn't that make you feel great?). If you're reading this (Which I highly doubt. I really think no one reads my journal entries), then add a comment and wish Led282 a Happy Birthday. I'll try to be on more often, but it will be very difficult because of my schedule. Oh and one more thing......Happy Birthday Bro!