Old Memories, New Memories
by LarcDranore on Comments
I wasn't on for a couple of days because I was looking into the past, and excited that I can be reunited with some of my favourite games. I downloaded Nintendo and Super Nintendo games (that I own and new ones that I'm glad I downloaded), and played them this weekend. I kind of forgot how much fun Nintendo and Super Nintendo games can be. I missed the good old days when I would be playing Zelda or Mario in my basement with the old graphics, the continuous music, the one character that you had to be, ah, those were the days (I'm starting to sound like my grandpa). Anyways, now I can replay my past over and over again with many games that I use to play like, Little Nemo Dream Master, Chip and Dale, Anticipation, Dr. Mario, Adventures in Magic Kingdom, Adventures of Lolo, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ducktales, Faxanadu and many more. There were also old games which I wish I had as a child, but I'm glad I have now like, Chaos World, Destiny of an Emperor and Ultima 3: The Exodus. I was like a little kid at a Toy Store, all full of joy and a smile lit up on my face every time I passed a game and said "Hey I remember that.." I very glad that I could get in touch with the child inside me and relive the memories that I once had. Those were the good ol' days.....