So I am getting tired of looking at my same old blog posts, and I thought that now would be a good time to update. I just recently got a slick new gaming PC that I built. It isn't absolute bleeding edge (I can't afford that), but it is pretty nice. More importantly it is truly built as a gaming PC, first one that I've built for the better part of a decade. It is SO nice to be able to play any game I want with the settings cranked again. It has really made me rekindle my love of PC gaming. I've had my new rig for a couple months now and it is running well.
So, this is also rather fortuitous timing with Steam doing their summer sale now. I am going back and picking up titles I missed during my hiatus from PC gaming and getting some relatively new stuff too, and all for next to nothing. Only problem is when you buy a whole bunch of stuff on the cheap, it starts to not be quite so cheap anymore. Not to mention, no matter how dedicated I am in my gaming(I have work and other obligations to see to, not to mention some slight paranoia about gaming induced carpal tunnel as I get older) I am just not going to digest these recent purchases anytime soon. Let alone the stuff I already had and was working on (or not). However, the good news is, with so many games and a slick new rig to play them on I should be pretty well set for quite some time.
Which leads into my last little observation. Summertime and video games seem to naturally go hand in hand. Now, I actually like doing things outside, but it is so stinking hot (triple digits are pretty common where I'm at in the summer) that a nice, cool, air conditioned gaming cave seems so much more appealing at the moment.
Random thoughts I know, but I was ready for a change. So to anyone who reads this, happy summertime gaming!