Dragon Age was a huge dissapointment to me. It was announced back in 2004 or 2005 and it had the feeling some kind of revolutionary thing will born, something wich will overtake and replace d&d. I expected too much... So I didn't expect too much from DA2 and I think It's a decent game. Still I think Bioware is higher standard than this. Mass Effect 1-2 are my favorite games becouse the characters, the storyline, becouse it's something unique, without cliches. DA2 is a "wannabe" comparing to ME2. It tries to be soemthing but it fails. It's like Obsidian ent. (It tries to be like Bioware but always fail) If we talking about RPG in 2011 we should completly forget about linear tunnels from cutscene to cutscene and forced companions with boring personalities. That is the past. It's like making a movie in black and white. It can be greatly done ONCE like Spillberg with Schindler's List but... (and it was in 93' so...) There are companies out there who created better now. In ME and ME2 the story was amazing. The companions the cutscenes, the battles was epic I will never forget. Dragon Age 1-2 is mediocre comparing to that. I only write this becouse I want my ME3 to be good. So I say back to the roots Bioware! You can do this better than this! This is my own oppinion without the need of arguing about it.
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