Lastbullet777's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 18 (82%)
Rank: Flicky
Points: 316035

Lastbullet777's Emblems

  • FrankenTOTS

    Mwahahaha! From the dark places at the back of your fridge creeps forth this monster! FrankenTOTS! Thought you’d grab a quick bite while gaming? Well this tater has gone bad. REAL bad. Snack away if you dare! Don’t worry that red stuff all over him is probably ketchup. Probably.

  • Best of 2010 Readers' Choice Chooser

    Participant in the 2010 Readers' Choice awards. Voting in only a handful of categories is for babies--babies who won't get this achievement! These dedicated not-infants voted in 80% of available categories like a grown-up.

  • Best of 2010 Popularist

    Just go with the flow. These users voted on every category, and their choices more often than not were the Readers' Choice winners. Omniscience? Nah, they probably just voted for the ones that were already winning.

  • E3 2011 New Game Ninja

    Hi, this achievement is all about ninjas, REAL NINJAS. This achievement is awesome. I followed a game announced at E3 2011 during the week of E3 and inherited REAL ULTIMATE POWER.

  • E3 2011 Game Gladiator - Gold

    Are you not entertained? I followed 20 games featured at E3 2011 during the week of E3, and now not even the emperor can touch me.

  • Best of E3 2011 Readers' Choice Chooser

    Participant in the Best of E3 2011 Readers' Choice awards. I voted for every category in the Best of E3 2011 awards and made my voice heard.

  • Readers' Choice Chooser

    Take that, not-democracy! This user took the system into their own hands by voting in at least one category in Best of 2011.

  • Readers' Choice Clairvoyant

    It's just like in that one movie with Nicky Cage. This user voted for a game in a category in which that game also won the Readers' Choice award.

  • Robocorn

    Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.