I've played this game four times alredy. Simply put it is a fun, well written game. The artistic design and the graphics are so vibrant and detailed. One of the moments that just really shun in this game waws when Nate and Solly find a U-boat in the middle of the Amazon. If you've played this game than you know what I am talking about. For those who haven't, there's an old rusted german boat stuck on a waterfall. The water effects, the detailed boat, the lush jungle that surrounds them both, and the environment at a distance are just jaw-dropping. The lighting effects and the shadows are particularly stunning. When you are walking out of a dark area into the light, the light actually feels too bright for a split second. The facial and body animations are quite life-like. Heck, if you pay close attention to the game you'll notice that everything that ocmes out of Nate during active gameplay is lip-synced perfectly. This game seriously needed to be nominated for best technology and best animation. Of course the gameplay is satisfying enough to merit a purchase. Like I said in the bigining, I've played this game four times already and I wouldn't even finish it once if I considered it boring or broken. Yes, it is a Gears/Killswitch but it is very well done. I think this game has gone underappreciated. I can theorize that it is due to its comparison to Gears, to the stigma that PS3 has no games, and to Sony not hyping the game that much. I really hope that word of mouth bumps this game into more homes. It is surely worth our attention.
Latinbro1 Blog
Why do people hate with out a reason?
by Latinbro1 on Comments
I never really planed on writing a blog on a videogaming website, but as anyone stumbling to my section can see I have. This is probably the first and only blog I'll right and that's because I really have nothing to do and decided to write something. So, the subject of this blog is "why do people hate with out a reason?" Before I continue, I'll just offer a few quotes and then write my frustration below.
(about DMC4; G4tv comment)"I don't care about the naysayers here. I have always hated the playstation, but even without a playstation 2, I bought the trilogy. I also considered buying a ps2 because of this franchise. I hated the fact that it was only playstation. Thank god I don't have to play it on that sucky system anymore.
Capcom FTW!!!!!"
(about Haze being PS3 "exclusive"; G4tv comment) "now all the xbots (360 owners) are going to say that they didn't want it anyway"
(about Haze on PS3; comment on Gamespot) "Now that its an exclusive expect the cows (PS3 owners) to hype this like mad. Looks like a good game though."
(About MGS4's ambiguous status regarding a 360 port; on Gamespot) "Ok, u can Keep waiting.... waiting... forever *v* Xbot just want our games.. ahhahaha feel so proud of my system. My system works, too. Everytime &v&"
This sample does not ,by any stretch of the imagination, do justice to all the hatred and bias on forums and blogs, and on comment sections of multiple gaming sites. So, where does all this hate come from? Why do people feel the need to brag, bash, and everything that comes in between? My first thought was that people need to justify their purchase of a console and the games associated with the given console. And that can't be farther from the truth considering that consoles and games are getting more expensive with the passing of each gaming generation (we need to feel good about owning a system and feel comforted by the notion that there will be good games to play on the system). But somehow people go beyond rationalizing a purchase to glorifying it and basically hating those that don't do the same. Now, from a developer and console maker point of view, things like exclusive drive sales and promote more support for a given system. Quality games on a platform allow the manufacturer to demonstrate that the purchase is a welcomed investment. But somehow these business issues became consumer shared issues that contribute to more pride and fuel hatred. But like the first quote I offered shows, some hate and pride seems to come out of the blue. Why would you hate something but want its content? How do you rationalize that? Anyway, I really wish people could just get along and not hate or justify their purchase to the point that their purchase is the right one and those that don't follow are wrong.
I am cutting this blog short because I hate writing and if I continue my thoughts will go every which way and I'll end up writing the equivalent of the dissertation I'm supposed to be writing soon. Just remember your WIi, PS3, and/or 360 is (are) good for you if you play it/them and have a good time. If you bash a system but want its content then you are really immature or there's something else wrong with you. THere's probably something wrong with me for getting POed towards people that are narrow-minded or prejudice. Anyway, I hate ending the blog like this but that's it! If you read this and feel like commenting be my guest.
P.S. A great source of arguement among fans of the 360 and the PS3 comes down to performance. I'm not going to get into detail about this but here's a website that gives a nice and, from what it seems, unbiased technical discussion of the pros and cons of he systems. http://dpad.gotfrag.com/portal/story/35372/?spage=1 There are many others out there but I like that this one says which one is better at handeling processing, AI, graphics, etc.
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