I bought 2 micro SD cards and a duo converter($38 off of Amazon). So, my PSP 3000 is equipped with 16 gigs. I should be good for a while. All I'll be missing is Bluetooth and form factor. I can deal with that.
It's a shame we still do this. It's even worse when you have to break it down to a pixel to pixel comparison to feed fanboyish feuds. Oh well. *Note to self, buy dead space*
I'll be getting this one seeing as my pspfat died after falling out of my backpack & down a flight of stairs. would live a second analog stick but I an wait for a PSP2 for a few more yrs.
I bet you the GS staff is annoyed with the flame wars and yet they are the ones that bring wood to the fire. People, seriously play the games for the fun. of playing games.
Whether it gets ported or not, the fact still remains that GOW got a PSP game that doesn't suck, and works extremely well on the handheld. Heck, MGS got portable ops and though it was fun, the controller wasn't that good. Same with R&C.
I am really curious about the cutting loading aspect of it. I'd be a little upset as an early adopter if the difference is really significant (say a 15 sec load time cut down to 6 or 4 sec). I still wouldn't re-buy it. I would just wait for the next PSP
Ocelot, Big Boss, and his clones (mainly Solid and Liquid) are the key players in this whole series. it's kinda cool that things that happen with ocelot and Big Boss in the 60's and 70's affect Liquid and Snake and Ocelot in the future
Latinbro1's comments