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LaughingManX23 Blog

Happy birthday to meee

well so birthday time is over. I turned 22 I drove about 30 miles went to 2 comic book stores got a autographed copy and autographed sketch for my friend who is serving this country in the navy. Can't wait for him to visit this december. He had every issue signed except 1 so I took it there and also got to get the new series he's coming out with signed as well. I hope he'll like it.

I've really been enjoying Combat Soldiers Union lately. I've always dabbled in forums and what not but never really got into just one. I discuss a lot with people in person at my local video game stores and comic stores but haven't gotten into a place online that I didn't get completely sick of. I honestly can't stand most of the people on the internet. But, this place is pretty well balanced. Just enough debating to keep you entertained but not too much fan boy bullsh!t to annoy you.

My life in video games has consisted of Uncharted 2 beta, a little inFamous but I let my older brother borrow it. I got his ass a free ps3 can you believe that. I should've ripped that place off more while I had the chance(my old job BS)
Been playing a lot of bomber man too I grew up loving that game I'm so glad it came to the PS Store. Theres so many more games I want though its not fair. I need a better job though my new job is giving me more hours. which is good but I want more money. Minimum wage is about to go up so I want more Money! lol.

I am also pretty excited about this project with combat it won't be for awhile but I think it has great possibiltys. I am constantly getting new ideas about it now. It just excites me. I've always wanted to create something worth while and I think this is the chance. I will be discussing this though further in the future. For now though....I am off to lay with the lady.

If you read this thanks for listening to another one of my rants.


P.S I will also be getting hopefully several Uncharted 2 Betas and I will probably only be giving them away through here! So if you read this then good luck!

June Bugs!

First day of june!

Starting off as good month so far apart from the 200+ people missing =

We got E3 to start.

Some good games coming out this month. Prototype,Red Faction, Rock Band Unplugged for the PSP.

The first day of Summer starts.

A ton of new comics come out

I turn 22 the 13th as well as my girlfriend and I's 1 year anniversary on the 14th.

Lets just hope everything else turns out wonderful this month for me and all of you.

inFamous, Comics and moreish!

Well lets see here. I picked up inFamous on Tuesday and have been playing it ever since.
I had played the demo and really like it but still didn't know what to expect the reviews were good but I was just worried it would be a tiny bit dissapointing like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

It is in no way dissapointing though. I've been playing it non stop completed the first island 100% within the first day or so. On hard difficulty as well. And its just awesome I've had my friends come by and watch me play it as well as my siblings friends. They always stop, stare and watch me play it. I've done some pretty bad ass things in it like flip a car over stick it with a bomb and throw the car towards the enemys *BOOM* bad a$$. Even the way some of the people have interacted with me have really caught my eye. Like one time a girl was talking on the phone and was like "No I'm not lying he's right here! Here I'll take a pic" And then she took a picture of me with her phone. I didn't like that though so I killed her. Though I am good. Hero to percise now but a occasional death is okay.

All in all this is a top notch game AAA title for sure. I just can't wait to go through it being evil=)

My room is clutterd about with comics right now so I haven't really been playing it today or much yesterday. I got like 12 comics yesterday. Accidently bought 2 of the avengers, avengers initiative and elektra though. I don't know how I managed to do that but the guys at my local comic book store were nice enough to let me exchange them for the ones I didn't get. Lets see I got

  • Dark Reign Elektra
  • Dark Reign The Avengers Initiative
  • Dark Reign The New Avengers
  • Dark Reign The Hood
  • Dark Reign The Amazing Spider Man( Damn I forgot to read that one!)
  • Dark Reign War Machine (About to start war with the United States of America)
  • Dark Reign Wolverine
  • Dark Reign Ms. Marvel
  • Dark Reign The Incredible Hercules
  • Wolverine Old Man Logan
  • X-Force Messaiha War
  • And oddly enough a copy of JugHead comics. (Archie comics. My girlfriend has started liking them a lot so I've been picking it up for her)

    Dark Reign has way too many comics coming out I love it but it pisses me off cause I spent 45 bucks yesterday in comics. They're all good though is the thing. Not a single bad or boring series.

    I guess I'm going to go play inFamous now before I have to help my brother move. I'm about to drink a beer if he doesn't hurry up though.

Later players

inFamous tomorrow!

Went and saw Terminator today. It was a pretty bad ass movie but I really need to watch the other ones again it's been way too long since I have. I kinda forgot a lot of the story.

Pretty stoked about inFamous tomorrow. First game I've boughten in awhile. Well new game I got mirrors edge and played the hell outta that. I've heard it's pretty good and the demo was damn good as well. So I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

I found this to be pretty funn considering its what I did in the demo lol.

In other news my girlfriend has taken over my ps3 and won't stop playing burn zombie burn and has now turned on to Lumines. Probably won't be playing anything tonight maybe I'll get on Home after she goes to bed. Or I might just stay on here.

I didn't get on here for the longest time and I never tend to stick to a place to blog. Myspace and all those just bother me all my family and close friends are on there so blogging is weird I can't really just rant. But, on here I dunno I guess I can just talk about my nerdiness freely lol. I don't really even care if anyone reads this. So far no one does but I suppose its fun to vent....out my nerdiness. Speaking of which

2 more days till comic book day! Which reminds me I need to find out which ones I need to pick up.... ****! Like 10 come out there goes my paycheck! gah

Oh well gonna go drink a couple beers and try to pry my girlfriend on my ps3.

Till next time people who don't read this.

Comic Book day!

Ahh comic book day. I'm only 4 days behind but still.

Seattles Best Coffee, some mc chris, comics and a bowl...great way to start a day.

  • Planet Skaar: Prologue
  • Dark Reign: Fantastic 4
  • Dark Reign: ThunderBolts
  • Dark Reign: Skrull Kill Krew(This ones turning out to be pretty bad add)
  • Dark Reign: Agents of Atlas
  • Dark Reign: Punisher.(Variant Edition)(One of my favorites)
  • Uncanny X-Men(The Return of Psylocke)

Dark Reigns are so bad ass theres so many different story lines tying into something big and I don't even know what.
Skaar has been pretty good too. Pretty brutal and full of gore.

I really can't wait for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I've read all of the Civil War comics so being able to play it is going to be amazing. Ofcourse, I will join the side of the rebels with Captain America. But, I really wanna see what its like with the registration act.
One big thing I wanna see is if I can change the outcome of the war. I would love to make it so Captain America doesn't die at the end. I suppose I'd be a bit dissapointed if they changed the story arc to where Cap doesn't die though.

Gonna read Uncanny X-Men now.

  • Song of the day: On*

Heavy Rain

Man I can't wait for this game. A lot of new announcements and screen shots have been coming out for this game and I'm getting really psyched. I've been watching this game since its first announcement and how it was suppose to go inbetween that limit of realistic and creepy(I forgot the technical term for it.). Man I can't wait though. I love my PlayStation so much everything thats come out for it all my friends and how we interact. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Don't get me wrong I'm not some kind of fanboy I've just grown up playing the PS never had anything else and never will again.

Other then that though everyone should buy Zen Pinball. Well, I suppose not everyone. I use to work at a arcade so I've always loved pinball games I still suck quite a bit but I find myself to start playing it and not put it down for a hour or so.
See now thats what determines if a game is good to me or not. If I can pick it up and just play for hours on end its good. But a lot of these games I can't. Don't get me wrong I know a lot of people love this game and speak so highly of it, but I can not for the life of me get into BioShock all it does is feels like another FPS. Bam Bam kill kill some odd story. And trust me I've played A LOT of FPS's in my time. And it's not just because I suck at it either. I tend to come across a lot of people that say a game sucks because they can't get past the first level. I played it on hard and was doing good. I just got tired quite and started playing Zen Pinball instead.

Oh and whose psyched for the new Kojima announcement?!?! I am!!
I hope to god its a MGS:4 Substance game. That would make my pants tighter.

Well off to drink some beer and go crash with the mrs. now.

Until next time.

If you have it add me PSN:TLM2501

So, Haven't been on here in a long time.

Starting over since I haven't been on here in forever. Well, atleast not to get onto my profile more of to just read news or look at the hints page.

I've been playing a lot of games lately, though I'm starting to get bored of most of them. Just been waiting for inFamous to come out Played yesterday as well it's a pretty sweet game. I can't wait to buy it this tuesday. Besides that I've been playing a lot of Mirrors Edge. Everyone talked a lot of crap about it but I thought it was pretty bad ass. It took a bit to get use to but after I did it was a really fluid game. Taking a break from it though before I get the speedruns and get the platinum. I tend to get really close to platinums and just quit though so I'm gonna try to actually finish this one.

Home has been fun too. I always end up spending the rest of my wallet in Home though so my pads looking pretty sweet. I really like where its going. Ive been on it since closed beta and it's been really fun watching that place evolve.

My real passion has been in comics lately though. I've been collecting them for awhile but lately I've just really gotten into them. Spending around over 30 bucks a week in them. Not bad but works not paying too much. Worth it though. Gonna be broke after buying inFamous though. =(

Suppose I'm gonna go update my profile and rate some games I own.
Untill next time.

Song of the week- mc chris- optimiss remix older crowd.

*edit* If you have PSN add me TLM2501