I hope I'm not alone here, but I thought Transformer was amazing HAHA! -you know you wanna kicks some a** with Grimlock A lot of the other games, you can pretty much expect them to be awesome...."you know which games I'm talking about"
@watchawant Using the same analogy. Sony sold us a product that promised car locks that prevents intrusions, but their locks are actually sh*T. We know that the thieves are always there, but Sony broke their promise of providing secure locks, hence they are to blame. "Dr. Gene Spafford of Purdue University, who testified before Congress' inquiry as a cyber-security expert, lambasted Sony's security efforts, claiming that the company was using outdated server software without a firewall."
@nate2442 I totally agree with you.....but I think that if the move can do Res 5 or Deadspace the way I imagined it would......It would be sooooo sick. You're a Star Wars fan. What do you think of a Jedi that can move with the navigation controller and the Lightsaber is your move controller? It would be sick, but whether or not they'd do it..... no idea. I was really hoping that the Navigation controller was motion sensing so that it could be like holding a flashlight and a gun, while moving at the same time....
The Biggest Lesson I think Sony learned from Wii, is not the Motion Sensing portion, but the fact that it was incredibly hard to make games for a system with a one of a kind controller. What I'm guessing is...Playstation is hoping to do cross-platforms easier in the future. If Xbox is the only company paying extra to make things compatible for Kinect, it might cost them a fortune in the future. If next gen for Nintendo comes out, you can bet that its going to be backward compatible and motion sensing just like the Wiimote itself. N64 --> Gamecube --> Wiimote controllers....all which can do the same thing as its predecessor. If Playstation comes out with the move now.... Wii is only going to match its capabilities with a few add-on features. (who knows...maybe a screen) This is only my own assumption again.....Sony wants to make sales harder for Microsoft. In the end, if Microsoft wins....Sony can upgrade their eyetoy to a Kinect HAHAHAH! Sony = Win Win; two birds with one stone.... Good "Move". *no pun intended
3Dtvs that don't require glasses are most likely in development. Just wait for it. That's the best time to get it. Samsung is definitely working on that.
@Solid_Azeus My reply is totally irrelevant to topic, but I totally agree with you on the fact that Gamespot is biased towards Xbox360 since next gen wars. You can tell especially when majority of the multiplatform videos links one to an Xbox360 page (advertisement over other consoles). U can't help, but be curious whether they are sponsored more by Microsoft, and therefore are geared towards their possible bias opinions. *and I stress that it is not related to this article in anyway. This article in fact is quite well written on the future of harddrives and gaming development regardless of what console it is on.
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