LedZeppelin1234's forum posts
wow i feel so noobish, i'm stuck on "the metal" on hard...19061980Yeah when I first made it to hard I kept on failing this song until I finally beat it. Now it's nothing to me.
Is he going to be okay, he looks like one of the three stooges.I always liked the Mega Man X box art. It's certainly a lot better than the early Mega Man boxes, but they should have used this fan-made one I found by Google:
Now THAT would have been awesome!
For worst box art, I pick this:
Horrible box art added to a horrible game. Fester's face was always fugly, but you don't need that much hideousness up close! It'll wind up giving you nightmares.
I say that the worst box art cover is for NinjaGolf,and yeah its for real pikma
Nah, that's the best ever.
Ninjas and golf? What more do we need?
...Maybe a pirate. A space pirate!
No...just a pirate. Don't want to go overboard; the game will just look stupid.
Space pirates...what was I thinking?!?
actually... that's a good idea!
let's get an Atary's dev kit (lol) and make that a brand new game
it's gonna be called
Space Ninja Golf Pirate
that IS a kickass name.
Even the "Ninjabread Man" name sucks compared to that
oh, and BTW, the game would be about a Pirate lost in the Space and to survive and return to his planet he must find his way trough the Ninja Golf business.
oh, well... not really, maybe it could be just a Pirate playing Golf in the Space against Ninjas
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