Well, I finally finished Deathly Hallows (It took me 8 hours:cry: )
I got it quite late because I didn't want to wait in a really long line. So instead I just got it online (Also I didn't have to spend 30 euro's on the book.
I found that the book answered all the questions that I could think of and it's by far the best in the series. JK Rowling really did herself proud.
Also any of those guy's who don't want to read a 600 page book can find a very nice summary on the book in wikipedia.
I'd also like to ask anyone that will answer whether you have read the book and watched the movie[I still haven't watched it yet(Is it any good??)]
I've also been finding it really boring these days. Has any body got any good idea's for something to do while we've got so much time to spare.