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Top 5 Worst Job Interview Questions

Anytime you go for an interview there is always at least a few questions that seem to be imbedded in the mind of the interviewee. Whether good or bad for the interview, they can end badly for you depending on your answers.

5. Where do you see yourself in 'x' years?

This can come in a variety of different ways, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, but to sum it up, the interviewee wants you to have some success in their company and make sure your all for staying where you are and no chance of running off and having to repeat the whole process again in a few months time.

But whatever you, do not do this!

4. What is your greatest achievement in life?

I actually got this asked to me once, and it was for a simple bar job so I didn't see the relevance. However after pausing for a few seconds, I was told by the interviewee that this was the quickest question to answer in the interview, so I blurted out the first answer that popped in my head, which she gave me a funny look to, but never mind.

In my opinion, unless it is a career job then I don't really think this is truly important.

3. Tell me about yourself

This is a bad question, not in terms of importance as it can be, but in terms of it is a question most people oversell or undersell themselves on. If you don't talk enough you are shown to have lack of confidence, if you rabble on they think your just a chatterbox with a big mouth.

It's also a hard question to think an answer on the spot and need to stray away from the cliche answers, just like...

2. Why do you think you'll be good to work with us

This is a question that I have stuck to a cliche a few times and it ends badly, one time the interviewee kept telling me to stop and start again with something that wasn't cliche and tell him WHY and I wanted the job, and then went through each of my past jobs asking why I left like an interrogation rather than an interview (damn department stores).

But it really is one of the worst questions as you have to know something about where your applying for, what they do and why you think it would be good idea for them to hire you, even if the place is a dump.

1. Why do you want this job?

This is the question that really takes the piss! Why do we want jobs? Well for money, that's the reason 99.9%* of the world work, for MONEY! Unless you have some insane passion for work and decide to type up spreadsheets for 'fun', then I hardly doubt your answer should be different, but alas you have to have some sort of passion for the job, for example, in retail you have to enjoy talking to strangers, selling them stuff, and getting up early at the weekend, all with a smile on your face. Anything else means that your not right for the job, and clearly being a bum is suiting society better for you!

* not based on facts

Top 5 Bosses

Top 5 Bosses

I have played many games, some of which have great boss fights, some not so great, and then there are those which stay with you for a light, a beacon of awesome in standards of boss fights.

5. Nemesis


Nemesis, the main antagonist of Resident Evil 3. Jill shares more than a few brawls with this big bastard. It chases her throughout the streets of Raccoon City. It has the mind of a 5 year old child who has played to much Sega and hates Nintendo, and has one thing on its mind. To kill Stars!

You first meet him as he kills good old chicken, Brad Vickers. Then he chases you. Through streets, buildings, parks. All of which are optional fights, as he always returns, raping his way through walls with no regard for insurance!

The second last battle with him is the most epic, as you battle him in a locked room in his ripped clothes form. There are tentacles everywhere.

4. Liquid Snake


Liquid Snake, the brother of the protagonist, Solid Snake. He runs the FOXHOUND unit that has taken over at Shadow Moses. His English accent will make you shiver with evilness, and will mae you love fighting him even more.

There are three, or four, depending on how you look at it, seperate occassions.

The first is an epic rooftop battle with him in a helicopter. Blast him down with a rocket launcher, and run away like a little girl when he makes stupid one-liners and then blows up half the roof. Second fight takes place against Metal Gear. Same as above, boom, run, one-liner, scream, boom.

The third fight is my favourite. It has everything. Fire. Damsel in distress. A countdown. And a fist fight. Nothing sums it up more than that!

The final fight is just shooting at him in a jeep as you make your way out of a falling Shadow Moses. Very, very...good!



The machine that guides you through the game with the temptation of a nice cake JUST FOR YOU. Throughout the game it acts like a creepy friend who won't go away, and follows you everywhere, and the only reason your with them is for something at the end. But as that usually goes, it was all a lie.

Not only did this game have a Portal Gun, but it had false promises of cakes. THE CAKE IS A LIE!

The battle against the machine is of epic proportion. There is no actual fighting, but it is a puzzle battle. WITH A COUNTDOWN!! Gotta love countdowns! You have to blast yourself around the room using your portal skills and dump peices of the GLaDOS into the incinerator. Much fun!

2. Sephiroth Bizarro


Fanboys rejoice! Sephiroth is here. Now, I hate the character of Sephiroth. He is the bastard child of a hunchback scientist, some random slut a vampire has the hots for, and some alien **** momma.

After chasing him from Midgar to the Northern Cave, you are blocked out and must fight your way back in...by doing some crap that saves the world! After going through the northern cave again, you make it to the finale, where each character you choose makes an epic one liner, before being dragged into battle.

One of the best moments of my childhood is making it to this fight. THIS FIGHT WAS WHAT THE END WAS ALL ABOUT! Screw that flying freak. The music sets the fight so well, and the changing between parties is something that I enjoyed. To this day I have no tactic for this fight however, but I just blast it with everything I have got.

1. Riku


Yes! It is Kingdom Hearts!

Your probably thinking to yourself 'He has Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Portal, how can he have Kingdom Hearts?' Well let me tell you something, this battle is of epic proportion.

After making it through Hollow Bastion, fighting of a big ass disney dragon, and teaming up with The Beast, your friend faces you in some sort of screwed up...blue costume, and a very funky (yet evil) key. Now, it is one on one between Sora. According to RPG cliches, this was meant to happen.

The battle is tough, due to being in a secluded area, so dodging attacks is important, yet so is striking back.

Nothing beats an epic battle, like one against your best friend! Pity there is no countdown :(
