@fayte0618 If you chose to look at it that way you most certainly could. Perhaps that is the beauty in it? But there is no reason a christian god could not still exist in that universe. To say the game is anti-christian I believe misses the point entirely. I went into the game hearing stories about developers leaving the studio because it went against their beliefs. What I got was something extremely deep that really didn't focus on religion. (Except for a nutcase using it to further his own needs)
In regards to the game being anti-christian or anti religious I have to say it is neither. As a christian I don't see how a religious person could be offended by this. In Comstock/Bookers case when he got baptised he was trying to cover up his sins. I will say I felt the ending made the game feel a little useless. As the player we never really changed anything. We only made certain universes never happen. A good story, but I felt a little let down that at the end of the game it basicly erases all you have done.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I wish you well. Fallujah is just another footnote in the book of horrendous atrocities of war. Even fair battles are crimes in a war like this. The extremests will keep killing us, and bad people on our side will force good people to do their bidding. I have read many books on fallujah from differing perspectives, and the funny thing is that noone was in the right. But I suppose in war nothing ever is. Take care.
The sad thing is that I actually agree with alot of what you are saying Joe (and I'm American by the way). It's too bad that you don't see the many Americans who literally are just as unhappy as you. I don't believe any other countries citizens "Worship the altar of America that is the height of arrogance" But I also know more people will listen to someone who is polite and can share their views and educated opinions without turning it into an argument. So, I do agree with much of what you are saying, But I also have to agree that you are coming off as somewhat of a jerk and you could be so much more productive if you put your thoughts in a more calm, less arrogant and hateful, finger pointing way. thats all.
@joeboosauce @mothboy I believe what mister Mothboy meant to say, in a more rounded and hopefully better constructed post was "Sir Joeboosauce, perhaps you could educate others without sounding like a sarcastic jerk, perhaps you could start a conversation instead of blast people with inflammatory comments and needless bashing of their persons whom you do not even know. I appreciate you trying to add your opinion to this forum, but please do so in a calm, informative and non-hostile manner."But maybe he just meant what he said, I dunno.
@adamomars Why do you say the game makes players feel they are battle ready? He clearly states several times that it is a game. Wether you like these games or not, there are certain people who find these " action fps games" fun. The dev is making a video game, and at the same time trying to tell a story about soldier comraderie. I do not see the lie (not saying there isn't one, I simply don't see it)
Perhaps I have not had experience with Hitman's Die-Hards, but I have had experience with Die hard fanboys of other games. I find it is best to leave them in their own little world. It seemed like you had something to say to anyone who had a differant opinion on the article than you. That said, my original point still stands and no, I am not trying to be an obnoxious jackass (sorry if it seems that way) I just don't like it when I see one user posting discouraging comments to anyone who disagrees with them.
Leinhartx's comments