I don't care what Van Ord or anyone says, this game is cool. It is like Dead Space without the demonology, with some Resident Evil style shooting and Bioshock drill action when you stomp around in the mechs. The game's music is awesome and the graphics looks fantastic. It stands apart from the other Lost Planet games for better. There was no story in LP 2 don't even try. A little more open world would be nice but I hope they evolve this concept into something new for the next-gen systems.
This game feels like Dead Space to me and I'm running the solo mission. There is more action but not a ridiculous amount, and it still gets creepy. I'm only 15% through the game. Lots of snotty geeks are whining about this game, don't listen to them. Buy this game if you liked the other Dead Space games! Tons of futuristic sights and sounds packed into this one.
I bought the original release of this game used for Xbox 360. It was mostly awful, with a little bit of cool or avante-garde. But mostly awful. If you buy this new you will regret it unless the re-release fixes a number of problems with the game including crappy graphics, bad controls, limited enemy sprites, lame voice acting, horrendous targeting system.... You'd be better off buying Twin Peaks on BluRay and watching that.
This game is basically EA trying to compete with Capcom and the Resident Evil (now an action/shooter of dead things) market. I played the Xbox 360 demo last night, solo and the co-op. I agree the co-op is underwhelming. And shooting real humans is not very much fun. There are big explosions every other second. I enjoyed the game playing solo more, the other player DOES get in the way. Also, I don't know if it was because it was a pre-alpha demo or not, but the graphics and animations didn't look as good for some things, like stomping open boxes.
@Falzonn I agree. The statue is catering to gore fans, but a bust of a dead island zombie would have been cooler. And the whole 'like the busts of Greece circa 3rd Century' is a lame-ass PR excuse. Someone shit the bed, plain and simple.
@tomservo51 I'm not calling capitalism garbage, I'm calling this manifestation of capitalism garbage, and could argue it is totalitarian on behest (yes I'm using that word) of EA. However you are right, don't like it don't buy it. I will not be.
Leave this crap for online games. This reminds me of Batman Arkham City and the stupid YOU DON'T HAVE CATWOMAN, WANT TO BUY??? BUY IT! IT'S ON THE DISC YOU JUST CAN'T PLAY IT YET garbage capitalism that infiltrates and spoils something I have purchased.
Leistalhamr's comments