LCD....Nintendo do not like you or give a fruit if you like them all they want is money.
LCD was yestersay and they are well aware because they began to sell the upgraded OLED on current system yet start the follow up next gen with backwards peddling LCD....disgusting practice and you continue to buy
I hope that the other parts of FFVII will just be DLC, this makes sense no?.. surely they aren't going to keep releasing physical disc's? I really enjoyed part one, not a patch on the original though.
E3 is dead why are we still recieving news about this old forgotten dinosaur??....god I used to look forward to this more than anything else in the year, such a shame.
What even is this happy horses***!! I played the demo the other night for confirmation that the combat wasn't going to totally ruin the experience, it passed with flying colours and now you go and ruin the whole god damn thing with this new devilry!!! What in the actual cluster f*** is this!???
Have you played the original?? My god!!! Call the cops!!
LeoLex_'s comments