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LeonMorado Blog

Bittersweet morning

So i'm happy about Obama's victory, but to be honest, i'm still a little stunned. It's not that it came as a surprise, it seemed most likely that he would win from a while now. But the fact that it's over, and he's no longer just a candidate...he's actually the president-elect... It's pretty overwhelming.

But despite all that fun stuff, this morning was quite a disappointment. It turns out prop 8 has most likely passed, which is some straight up bullsh*t. I understand that some people want to protect their view of marriage, but the "traditional" definition of marriage is a religious one, and the government has no place enforcing any religious view. If a church chooses to shun gay marriages and claim they're two men or two women can never married in the eyes of their version of God, whatev, but the government's role is to protect us, not to establish and enforce our sense of morality. As far as state and federal governments are concerned, marriage should be nothing more than a legal contract, and to revoke the rights of citizens to enter into that contract based on religious scruples is, well....some straight up bullsh*t.

So yeah, it's a bittersweet morning, so for now, I'm gonna try and focus on the positive, at least untill i know what i can do to help get the new amendment repealed. Overall it's a good morning. At least prop 4 didn't pass, and Barack Obama is president elect of the United States of America.

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my penmanship is crap, i know. the second to last frame is supposed to be the cero narrowly missing expendable hollow's head, how don't know how clearly that comes across, it looks kinda funky to me.

also, backgrounds are for chumps. kubo tends to ignore them in fight scenes anyway, so i'm not bothering for the most part at the moment.

veeps, beeps, and meeps

biden was a disappointment. he wasn't impressive in the least, and i died a little inside when he said he was against gay marriage.* that being said, he still came across better that palin. that woman is just pissing me right the hell off. alaska is not america's heartland, first. second**, she needs to stfu with this maverick bull. not only are palin and mccain not maverics by any contorted definition of the word, they've actually managed to suck the considerable amount of awesome that word once held right out of it. i can't even play megaman x now. if i hear "alaska,"maverick," or "hockey mom" one more time, i'm gonna hurt someone.

*CA registered voters (if any) GTFOut there and vote NO on prop 8.
**those of you that actually watched the debate, yes, that was a subtle crack at biden.

so i missed the sneak peek at the clone wars last weekend, then i missed theofficial premiere yesterday, which would have annoyed me if it weren't fortime-warner's ne CNwest channel letting me watch it once it rolled around on pacific time. i have to say, i did enjoy seeing yoda act more like his pseudo-senile muppetself than the scowling prequel version. as for this new kid, ahsoka; i like her, she's cute. it's kinda depressing to think that, barring a half-assed plot device or gaping plot hole, she's gonna die. that's the trouble with prequels, i guess. it bugged me when the 5 minute clone wars cartoons started, but i've grown to like tartakovsky's styIe

so back to the topic of censorship and how it's destroying entertainment as we know it, i was watching one of the most violent american cartoons ever the other day. that's right, tom and jerry. posterchildren of imitatable violence, everything they do to each other is done with things you can find lying around the house, for the most part. maybe not the random fireworks, and really, who has fold-out ironing boards anymore, but kitchen knives, irons, frying pans, hammers, lumber, garden hoses, and cats are all readily available. yet generation after generation has grown up with these ****cs without trying that crap at home. you know why? because they have parents. people need to stop trying to make cartoons wholesome educational. nobody wants to see that crap, we want to see a duck get shot in the face. it's not the tv's job to teach kids how to behave, that's what parents and teachers are for. cartoons are there so we can laugh when the roadrunner suns into a tunnel painted onto a wall and wile e. coyote follows, only to slam into said wall. logic and physics be damned, it's still funny!

good lord, would you look and the run-on sentences in that mess? i'm glad dr. haut isn't reading this.

to hell with heidi (project runway)

i loved project runway. i really did. even when i didn't agree with the judges i could see where they were coming i could respect tehir desicions, but after seeing this week's episode all i can say is what the F***?

kenley has been getting on my damn nerves for a while now, and i've been waiting for her to design something lousy enough to get her kicked out because it's been clear for a while that talent-wise, she's just not top 3 material. besides that, she's a total b****. you don't disrespect tim gunn. it's just not done. and she's been talin' like she's jsut the sh** here and tim doesn't know what he's talking about. he's tim f***ing gunn. he knows his sh**. this was it. she botched it bigtime and this was supposed to be her ticket out for good.

she was supposed to make a hip-hop look. HIP HOP. the first thing she says is 'leather jacket and high waisted jeans.' not only that, but tim actually tells her this isn't hip hop and this b**** has the nerve to get all indignant on him. but wait, it gets better. LL cool J was the guest judge. he's got his own hip hop line. there's no way she should have stayed in this. her look was sh**.

well guess what? she stayed. suede is out. don't get me wrong, i wasn't a fan of suede, he needs to shut the f*** up with this third person bull. but at least his look fit the damn challenge. and more importantly, it actually looked good. the damn pants kenley made were jsut awful, and there was nothing remotely hip-hop about it.

honetsly, i've lost all faith in the integrity of this show. the judges knew damn well what they were doing, they kept her on because she's a b****, and therefore, good for ratings. i'm done with it. korto and jerell are the best designers this season and frankly, i'm not interested in what the judges have to say anymore. they sold out and i wash my hands of them.

delicious whine

"waah! this new layout is terrible! it's not working perfectly immediately after being implemented, so it's a complete failure in every way. all things unfamiliar are stupid!"

gtfover it. it takes time to work the bugs out of a new layout, and let's face it, old one was far from perfect. you could at least wait until it's all up and running before you start bashing the snot out of it.

edit: see? blogs are working already.

happy birthday

today is madeleine's birthday. if you don't know who she is you probably think i'm fairly sane. how silly... she keeps telling me i'm not crazy. seeing as she spends more time in my mind than i do, i guess i should jsut take her word for it.

happy birthday, madeleine!

sneak peek

my blogs have been pretty long lately, so this one's not so much so.

i heart my tablet! it's a cheap one from some company i've never heard of and there are bigger and better ones out there, but this one rocks the house because it's mine.

the first real project i've started with it is my calendars, so i though i'd share an early sketch of ms january: izumi curtis.