electron: particle of matter
positron: particle of antimatter
photon: particle of light
crouton: particle of toast
i love me a good salad, i really do. and croutons add texture and deliciocity, but how the hell are you supposed to pick them up? it's hard to impale them on the fork, because they tend to simply break in half. it's hard to scoop them up with a piece of lettuce already on the fork. the only easy way to get them is to scoop them up by themselves, but that completely defeats the purpose of integrating them into the salad in the first place. you might as well just have them in a little bowl on the side if that's what you're gonna do. i think i'd just be better off eating my salad with chopsticks than a fork.
it's still worth the effort, of course, it's not like eating a salad with croutons is particularly difficult, it just seems to me that it's more difficult than it should be.