obscure simpsons references are still made of win. lookin' at you, fishbulb.
futurama's writing is much more clever than the public at large gives it credit for.
talent means nothing without inspiration.
inspiration doesn't mean much without talent either.
rammstein = awesome. rammstein singing in spanish = hilarious.
having an imaginary friend doesn't mean you're crazy.
talking to your imaginary friend doesn't mean you're crazy.
talking to someone else's imaginary friend might mean you're crazy.
inside jokes are f*cking great. (blocksex. lol.)
thought police are some scary mofos. srsly, they freak me right the hell out.sonic > mario
downloading music/movie/games is, in fact, theft. don't try to justify it, just enjoy your ill-gotten swag and deal with the fact that you're a thief.
serj tankian has a beautiful man-voice.
it's not mean if it's hilarious.
canaries can learn to sing from anything. mine occasionally ring like a cordless phone.
neither dogs nor cats are as smart or intuitive as their obsessive owners seem to think.
rats are more nteresting anyway.
jesus and elvis have more in common that you may realize, think about it.
batman >>>>>>>>>>>>> superman.
sacrilege can be hilarious.
there's nothing wrong with a little shameless self promotion.
i rock.
avatards need to get over themselves. spongebob is funny, and occasionally rather clever.
clancy brown voices both long feng and mr krabbs.
bleach geeks need to get over the fillers. anime =/= manga. deal.
falling in love is a form of insanity.
falling in love is wonderful.
falling in love is horrible.
if you're old enough to sign up on myspace, you're too old for myspace.
remember coolio? where'd he go?
remember sisqo? neither do i.
"man" makes for a hilarious adjective.
it's better to be loud than to be short.
it is an ill wind that blows no minds.
dream by day.