LessThanMarcus' forum posts
Let's see. I've been playing Halo 3 Multiplayer since September 2007. I stopped playing Orange Box a month after I bought it. I would have to recommend Halo 3.
To those who said HL single player is better, I beg to differ. Maybe it's because I played it on PC a long time ago but the SP is really boring with annoying vehicles and enemies. The vehicles in Halo are ridiculously fun to use and co-op always makes a game better. Not to mention the game can be replayed with different skulls activated.
I wouldn't be surprised, the last few times I played the leaderboards wouldn't even load. I haven't played since.
Sorry I don't visit these forums often. If this has been made already, just ignore it and don't post.Wow we havent had one of these debates for awhile.:shock:
You can make some points on XBL having more features or whatever, but christ does XBL have more obnoxious kids. I play Resistance 2/CoD4 on Ps3 and Halo 3/CoD WaW on 360. I play competitively and not once have I received a hateful message on PSN. On 360, however, I swear I get messages almost every other game. In CoD, it's messages asking me to boost. In Halo, it's people calling me a "bad kid" or cursing me out for something I did in the game.
What's going on here? Why are XBL kids a bunch of d-bags compared to PSN users?
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