Progressed and cleared Tour #23. Clearly shows that tour is cleared - have the prize car. But.....the next tour does not un-lock. So am completely unable to progress.
So me and my teenage kids were discussing the rapid development of technology, especially gaming, and I made them laugh about how when I was 15 (about 25 yrs ago!) myfriend wasthe envy of everyone 'cos hegot one of those new-fangled video games: about the size of a PS2/XBOX, but all you could do was play "tennis" with two simple cursors that moved up and down on the TV screen. That was all it did. Slowly.
So we got to thinking about what games/gamingmight be like in 25yrs (or even 10!). And we reckon: hologram projectors for full surround immersion in the visual game. Realistic gun/tennis racket/steering wheel etc. For FPS/RPG, a pad to stand on - you obviously can't walk (you'll bump into a wall/trip over the dog etc) so you just put foot pressure back/forth and side-to-side to move and turn. Full on-line capability so that your on-line team-mates/opponents are projected into your hologram "world".
For sure, she focussed a lot of attention and benefit on the charities that she was the ambassador/figure-head of.
But ultimately, she died whilst racing around Paris with a guy who wasn't her husband, and whilst her children (then fairly young) were home in another country without her.
I feel sorry for her kids, but she made her own destiny.
Thanks very much SS35 - I checked them out and I think that takes care of my DVD-ripping. Also got some good alternative software links off the PSPVideo9 site.
I now just need to understand how to handle the DivX files I download from P2P sites.
I'm looking for advice on ripping and converting movie files for my PSP. I have PSP Media-Manager, but just getting files suitable for that to convert is my prob.
1. DVD's. What software to rip with? I know about using DivX to create AVI format, but is there an issue with codecs? Any other alternative softwareto DivX?
2. Downloaded files from the likes of LimeWire etc. These are usually DivX and sohave codecs and so PSP M-M doesn't convert them. IfI get DivX, will that automatically give me the codecs and thus let me convertusing M-M or some other software (which?)?
Thanks in advance to any experts out there who can help:D
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