Well, today my 5 game collection grew to 6, a new babe came aboard (my metaphors are just awesome). And it is the hell of a babe, Uncharted 2. I got it for Christmas, even though i don't have it right now, only December 25th. I wasn't sure if i wanted it when i was buying. It was a tough decision: Assassin's Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2, Borderlands, Demon Souls and Uncharted 2 were over the table so i could picture the games better and maybe get to better conclusion.
Assassin's Creed 2... hmm... awesome visuals, great story, terrific sequel, but no online gameplay - out of the table. I need something with lots of replay value, since i don't buy much games. Demon souls... great graphics, awesome RPG, totally new multiplayer interaction - well, a great deal but none of my friends will get it now so no use, out of the table. Borderlands... great game, nice concept, great cooperative multiplayer and of course... a freakin' first person shooter RPG - I kinda regret don't buying this game....LOL... but again, none of my friends was getting it to, so out of the table. Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2 were the only left, very tough decision, both awesome games with awesome graphics, great story and a perfect online. But i finally chose Uncharted, for many reasons: I already had experienced the first MW on my 360 and since everyone said MW2 was almost like MW, i decided to go to something new; Uncharted 2 was looking better, at least from what i saw on videos and reviews; everyone was saying it was the best game ever and the Game of the Year and Bla Bla Bla; the multiplayer was as awesome as the one in MW series; and the final reason, my friends got it LOL, so i finally can play online with them.
This makes my collection with the following integrants: Uncharted 2, Fallout 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet and Motor Storm: Pacific Rift. However I'm looking forward to so many games: Borderland, Assassin's 2, Gran Turismo 5, ModNation Racers, God of War III, The Beatles Rockband, Final Fantasy XIII, Brutal Legend, and many more.
At least i'm visiting NY on July 2010. There i'll buy so many freakin' games LOL.
Yo, i'm leaving now, Peace, Cya guys in PSN