Leu-kun / Member

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I feel like talking about anime once again + games - Leu rants over and over...

Okay, I'm kinda away from my computer, I barely touch GS nowdays... anyway... I just came today to rants again (j/k[?])


Summon Night (GBA) --> Beated

Well... it resulted to be a kick ax game, what can I say... gameplay cool, music remind me the NES days but good, the art was indeed awesome but in the character faces while talking... the only thing that changes are the eyes and mounth and sometimes it takes away the fealing of the moment cuz of that, sad... graphics, divided in two, normal graphic and battle graphics, the first one was kinda a little above average and the other one somehow amazing. The history a little standar, but it had its many moments.

Possible final rate: 8.5

Approved game *thumbs up*

I felt this game a little better than Golden Sun 2... but this one doesnt have that "I dunno what" that makes it even more special.

Summon Night 2 (GBA)

Holy s***! Guess what, I also got a hold of this game... when I started it I felt it kinda worst, now that I'm like 30% far from the end... totally kicks a** even more that Golden Sun 2 and the prequel. Everything got updgraded in what I was really expecting more... just some stuff I didnt like as ever... the recycled history (almost the same but "this and that" are other deal), once again the character faces while talking -_- and the guardian guy that you choose... like the selection isnt from my like at the end I choose again the one from fire.

Possible rate until now: 9.5

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I didnt rant at all! (did I?) wait, this is just a portion of this blog post.

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So, I have so much anime right now, anime that I havent watched... making the sums it'll be 5 days in a row of nonstop anime... of course I'm not crazy enough to make that heroic movement :P (I'll be punking anime after the first day, depending in what do I watch first), so, what I've watched lately- what I was able to watch lately:

Naruto Shippuuden

I want to take out of my chest this guys, flame all you want if you are a Narutard but Naruto keeps kinda sucking even now that the filler are "over". This is just one opinion but before they were going aroun circles and things went slowly... but it was kinda interesting cuz those circles were chats... now they look Itachis face, now a close zoom to Naruto the Kakashi... some words, change of scene Zoom on Gai´s face, the camera focuses the bad guys, the again on Gai, some words, change of scene. Holy s***! I have to rate Naruto Shippuuden until now it might be a 5.6 and thats maybe too much.

Beck Mongolian Chop Squad

Until ep 6 right now, interesting, an anime about slackers that want to make a band sound like original, yes, I dont have to many rant in this one. Very smooth anime.


I fallowed Bulletsword recommendation on watching this one... cool... not that much... sometimes it get kinda boring, but as expected from an anime based on a game. Try it? Just if you liked Love hina cuz of the girls. Until ep 6.

Lucky Star

From the creators of Suzuimya Haruhi a new kick a** anime as commented by many anime fans/otakus... this made my let down even bigger, the three main girls are always on screen talking... nothing interesting for me, to confirm this I skiped scenes of the episodes I had and yes, every scene was filled with the three girls talking s***... Seriouslly I'm holding my breath so I dont rant a s*** of stuff, cause... *takes its time to re-stablish* it sucks hard for me, that it. Until ep 4 now and forever.

Chrno Crusade

The fact of nuns with guns... kinda freaks me out, cuz I go to a catolic school ruled by nuns, I cant stop having a mixed reaction while watching this. Very standar anime, but enjoyable indeed. Until ep 8 right now.

Sumo mo Momo mo The world strongest bride

Holy s***! Amazing anime, so freaking explicit (but amazing funny) that I have to watch it while my parents arent at home, until ep 9 right now. Its sad to know that it is just 22 episodes long. This one kinda remind me of Gash Bell/Zatch Bell because of the girl and the dude...

School Rumble

I found the first season at last! This anime is very unexpected most of times, which makes it very funny... well, I dont have an extended comment about this one, just that it rocks.

Some others as Death Note are missing I dont feel like talking about those.

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- In other news, did you guyz watched the new trailer of FF CC for Wii!? Amazing, thank God they dont look like babys in the Wii version *big relief*

- I may be getting Wii play (I should say a new Wii-mote plus Wii play :P) and Pokemon DS, plus maybe my first VC game.

- Trading games, bye bye for Star Fox Assault as it seems, I may be trading it, also Medabots Metabee Version... which a friend of mine lost it, now I will take his Zelda Minish Cap catridge as a pay :twisted: plus borrowing lots of games, hopefully not crappy as Mega Man X Command Mission which I dont even want to look at it.

- I saw Epic Movie, my comment:  :| I want that hour of my life back!

-I got a new DVD that reads DivX which makes my life easier when I want to look anime :D

- I missed Spider Man 3 in theaters :(

- My hand are again resistant to playing GBA non-stop :)

- I thinking about changing my avatar/sig/banner set in every Cnet profile... maybe Summon night now that I'm at it.