Long time since I write a blog, well... I didnt updgrade my PC damn, anyway...
I already finished watching School rumble (season one) and started the second season (I didnt skipped the OVAs)... just amazing... also, Chrno Crusade, I made a review about it, you can disagree with it by accesing my tv.com profile and I also made a review about Beck.
On manga, I'm done with Crossbone Detectives, not so bad, also reading Sasameke, great, yet it kinda hard to read...
On the gaming side, I got borrowed for a while Medal of honor: european assault, I was just able to play in multiplayer, hmm... dunno what to say... way better than the first one and with Riviera (GBA) ...eh...when you start you feel like it is a good game, but the battles are kinda empty, not so cool, I stopped playing and Phoenix Wright... seems like I'm never going to end....
What else? oh yeah, I wrote some reviews on filmspot and one in Gamespot.
Eh!? waazzat!? That Felix thing is coming right for us! run like crazy!! ... eh... to where?