Anytime I can correct somebody from something stupid that she or he does, I do it in a harsh and evil way :twisted:.
Yesterday I a (stupid) girl from school did something very stupid in Internet that could lead her to mayor troubles just to call the attention, so I, with my community spirtit (:twisted: + evil laughter), I'm going to give her a lesson that she wont forget ( :twisted: ) because of her stupid move... but how harsh can the lesson be, I wont tell it here, but she could get a trauma if I fail in one of my movements (seriously), her parents could be scared as hell :twisted: ... after I told a friend about what is going to be the plan about he decided to not participate in it because its to evil and risky, ok, I'll just have to kill him if says something (just kidding... about killing him, the other is for real).
This is going to be more like a psicholigical attack (somewhat like Death Note stuff), somewhat harmless unleast I take to much time or fail in one of my movements... stupid 14 old year spoiled girl ... what comes to think, why am I doing this? Why so much planing? Why am I being this harsh?... maybe I just want to feed that demon inside me :lol: :twisted: ... :|