Just yesterday my Gc stopped working, the lens doesnt move, so it not dead yet, now I didnt had nothing to play but my little brother fixed the Sega Genesis and it our only playable console, besides the DS and GBAs, in our hause; the bad thing is tha the controllers are very old and the buttonsa are hard to push even after the clean. You may be wondering:
Q: And yor N64?
R: My big brother took it and I havent seen it since then.
Q: What about Intelevision?
R: What?, oh yeah, I forgot I had that, it sucks.
Q: And your Atari?
R: I lost the cables to play
Q: Whats wrong with your portables systems?
Q: You got your PC and I see you are playing The legend of Zelda of is that if you dont have a NES?
R: I dont have a good game for my PC and I dont want to play those flash games; about Zelda, a friend let me playing from time to time.
Q: Why did you make this question and answer thing?
R: Let me be, I just lost my Gc and I'm bored.
Ups, font mistake, anyway, I think I'll be working on my brand new Website.