Well, GameSpot has just posted their review for Sonic and the Secret Rings on the Wii. This is the first 3D Sonic game to get above a 7 on GameSpot for a very long time; but lets face it: Sonic Heroes was crap so that shouldn't count. :P I personally think there hasn't been a good 3D Sonic game that wasn't a remake since Sonic Adventure 2 for the Dreamcast. That's almost 6 years ago. :| And if you read my reviews, you would know that I gave Sonic Riders a 7.7, but I don't count that because it's not a platformer.
I'll admit I'm still a little skeptical about the control scheme. Basically, you are constantly moving forward through the level at high speeds trying to avoid obstacles. It just sounds like something I'll get tired of after a while. The review said that the game will sometimes give you more challenges besides reaching the start to finish, like collecting a certain amount of coins, or not beating a single enemy; makes me kind of wish the Wii had acheivement points. :(
I wish there could have been more to the included multiplayer mini games. Rayman and Monkey Ball have apparently already covered the ideas this game has.
I'm not too huge of a graphics person, but I just don't agree with the reviewer from what I've seen on the screenshots and videos. I feel like this game was a direct rip from Sonic Heroes or Shadow the Hedgehog, which wasn't spectacular on the GameCube and is pretty bad on the Wii. Hopefully the game will look better when I actually see it for myself.
I don't have a Wii yet, but this game sure is a bit of an incentive, because I'm a pretty big Sonic fan. All of the past couple of games have been crap, but hopefully this brings back the series' momentum. But I don't want this to be the blueprint of future Sonic games; I want this to be the diversion that puts everything back on track. I'll be a very happy person when a true Sonic Adventure 3 comes out.
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