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Improving The Next GTA Title

As well all know. San Andreas is not without it's flaws. But then again, what GTA title isn't?! So let's go ahead and talk about a few things that would help make the next installment of GTA better.

First of all, you've got to get rid of all the glitches. The same ones that have been in the game since GTA3 and continued on into Vice City and now San Andreas. That should be their first goal with GTA4. If that is indeed what it's going to be called. Next, start listening to what the fans have to say. I had been saying since GTA3 how cool it would be if you could modify your vehicles. Cuzz' let's face it. It sucks to have the same car as the AI's in the game. And with San Andreas they listened. But, it only went so far. I say you need to have a full modify garage. Where you can customize any car and even motorcycle for that matter. And not just certain rides at certain garages. I would alos like to see the Tattoo parlor's expanded as well. Because with San Andreas you can choose from only a few tattoo's. And you can only mix and match so much. Before you start repeating yourself. Something that would be really cool with the Tattoo's. Is to make it like the mod garages, where you can pick your design as well as color. I'd like to see my guy running around with some extreme colored Dragons.

You will def. have to make the next installment of GTA, ONLINE accessable. And if they do so. They need to put extra missions into the game. Like I said in a previous entry. It would be so cool(using Vice City as a referance here), to play as say a Cop in the game, online. Where you could team up with other cops and take on the bad guys. Doing stuff like speed traps, pulling over and actually arresting speeders and drunk drivers. Being able to call for back up, set-up roadblocks and spike strips. Maybe even call in a Helicopter for air support. I would also make this feature offline as well.

I'd like to see it be an actual Two Player game as well. And not the Two Player Co-op crap that San Andreas has. And you've got to bring back the Rampages. Those are a vital part of the GTA series. Always have and will be.

Anywho, getting back to the online thing. I would like to be able to play as different characters in the game. Whether they are main storyline peeps or just extras in the game it's self. It'd be cool to play as a Pimp and work your way up. Or how about having a job working at some fast food joint. Where you have to work from a certain time and end at another certain time. And during such you make food, deliver orders, ect. The possabilites with this aspect are endless.

I also would like to see cars be able to go thru the car wash. And whatever happened to being able to do construction?! I'd like to find a spot of land, buy it, and then build my own home to my specs. Of course, you'd have to have the money to fund it. It'd be awesome to build your own Mansion. And stock it full of the coolest stuff. Like tvs, stereos, gaming systems, a pool, ect.

I know there are some other things I need to touch on. But of course, cannot think of them all. So, I'll shut up for now. But if I remember anything. Which I know I will. I'll be sure and add it asap. 'Nuff said. L8rs all.