i was dissappointed with some of the games left out. maybe this was made before uniwar was released but that should be there. So should Galaxy on fire thats a brilliant game. Geodefense though is such a brilliant game. i love that so much.
@macacd- i can tell you do not own an itouch/iphone as you obviously have no knowledge of the app store and the games on it. i ask you to look up a few games and youll see they are not throw away and pick up and play games. -galaxy on fire -uniwar -the quest - real football 09 - baseball superstars/ 9 innings upcoming games: - ZENONIA - car jack streets when you look and play these games then youll understand the ipod gaming better. yes there are a plenty of fun games that are pick up and play but they cost 99c and are worth way more than that
Liam-1992-2006's comments