Ok, first, during gym there was football, basket ball, and Ping Pong. Now because of my finger I couldn't play basket ball or football. So, all during gym I was bored out of my scull waiting for a table to be open soI could play. So, that wasn't that good, but it didn't suck that bad.
I have another new badge, its a TGS 2007 badge. So, I only watched it for like two seconds and I got bored because it was a trailer or something for Metal Gear Solid 4. And ever since I had my Neghborly badge my Gamecube Afficinato (sp?) badge disappered . The same thing happed when I had an Old School badge which disappered and hasn't come back.
And finally, I made a IGN account. I did this after reading hack40's last 2 blogs it made me want to review games again. My accountnamewill be... Lickpoop.I just got the email now, so yeah, that's it for now
E.C. (Extra Crap): I won't be leaving Gamespot.