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MAG: A Few Problems

Out of all of the games announced at E3 the one that most interests me is MAG. Massive Action Game which supports up to 256 online gamers. Half are the attackers and the other half are the defenders. Each team has a commander and the rest are split up into squads with a squad leader. This game looks impressive but maybe a little too ambitious.

There are a multitude of problems that have to be overcome in order to make this a good game. The first thing I can think of is the syncing between all the players and the elimination of the lag between all of them. Another is the match making. Finding all these players to create a game will be difficult. Because the maps are so large and the objectives so spaced out, a game that only has say a forth of the total players will not be very enjoyable.

Another problem is the PS3's current voice chat. The mics suck compared to the XBOX 360. Is there going to be the ability to quickly mute a loud mouth breather or an irritating young kid? Can players vote kick players?

What about an incompetent commander or squad leader. Will there be voting to allow the players to remove acommander or leader and be replaced with someone else? What about players that do not follow orders? There are going to be people that will not even attempt the objectives given to them by their commander or leader. The game has incentives for players to complete objectives but they do not have to. If the players do not complete the objectives given to them then what is the point of having commanders or leaders. There should be more consequences to those that do not participate in their team's strategy.

These were just a few problems I saw and have yet to find out of the development team has come up with solutions. I understand that from their point of view it maybe easy to assume that every player is going to be a team player. After all they are working as a team to develop the game, but in the real world not every player is going to be a team player and this could ruin the gameplay for everyone else.