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Sony & Mircosoft's motion capture controllers

The PS3 motion controller looks like it would be more precise than the Natal. It has those wands which have the gyros and accelerometers like the Wii controllers, plus the camera which can record the player's movements along with the additional accuracy of the tracking balls on the controllers for precise hand movements. For video game developers, having a controller to design a game around is easier than developing a brand new and unique control systems using body movements. Also, in some instances it is more immersive to have a controller. For instance in a racing game it is more immersive to have actual pedals to use and a wheel with feedback to interact with than just holding your arms up and miming driving a car. They demoed a racing game on Natal but did not show how the player was using the foot pedals, what if the player's foot is out of camera? In a shooter, a controller is needed anyway or how else is the console going to know when the player uses the trigger. Why not just make a controller that has a trigger and a thumb stick, for movements, that looks like a pistol. This will give the player more control over the game and provide a more immersive experience. No matter what the player will always need at least some kind of controller even if it is just a small remote with one button. I think that Sony is on the right track. The Natal looks like it is good for navigating menus and casual games but ultimately Microsoft is going to need add controllers of some kind to the Natal to make hardcore games possible. Either way they are both aiming to surpass Nintendo's Wii motion. However, nothing they can do can topple Nintendo's hold over the casual market. It is clear that innovation has switched from an emphasis on graphics to the controller and player experience. I look forward what we will see next year with these new controllers.