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First Chapter

I thought I would make a book for fun, so I decided I'd want to. This book, talks about an unstrangely girl and her lifes about to change.

Book Title: Down with Cooper

Chapter 1: Down with The First Chapter of the Book

At 10:46am, 14-year-old Texas cowgirl Lisa Cooper waked up. When her alarm clock felt to be upside-down, Lisa, had 4 minutes to get dressed and go to church. Lisa's bike was stuck in the garage, so she thought of an idea and used her grandfather's horse.

With the horse, and getting passed 54th Street, Lisa arrived at Church. But when the horse heard a loud noise, Lisa's horse went crazy and crashed up the church. When getting home Lisa Cooper was grounded for 3 days. Lisa stayed in her room all night.

The next few days, Lisa Cooper wasn't grounded. Instead she went to the Weekend Sale, on the 54th Street Park. Lisa found this adorable necklace but it cost $75. Instead she found a lamp for $5.00 and took it home.

Lisa looked at the lamp, while going before to sleep. But when the lamp flashed, a siginal appeared. And a mysterious lady out of the lamp sayign things to Lisa about bad things coming, oh strange bad things.

When the mysterious lady went back into the lamp, Lisa looked spooked. Was her world about to end, find out in the next chapter, the big spook is.